By cogu - 03/02/2010 19:34 - France

Today, I realized my girlfriend has more hair on her abdomen than I have on mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 210
You deserved it 6 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KindaMay_BInLove 0

That's not really gross, silly people. Girls are genetically programmed to have more hair than boys. Would you rather she shave and have a prickly belly? I doubt it.

saranottelling 7

You guys don't get this post at all. Clearly, the man is a hairless freak of nature and the small amount of hair on his girlfriend's abdomen makes him feel the acknowledgment is "FML worthy." I'm sorry freaky hairless man! You deserve a cookie!


candy29 10

Shaving will make it all rough and stubbly... Who would want that?

Nice try, but you ought to freshen up on your grammar.

dynky 3

If you're shallow enough to be put off your girlfriend by a bit of harmless hair, then I say it's f HER life for ending up with you as a boyfriend.

Malinkrot 3

While other teens her age are out having meaningful and fufilling lives, Snickerdoodles stays inside, hunched over her computer in a dark and depressing room, correcting grammar on a website where it doesn't even matter. Don't get mad at her, feel bad for her. She must have a really shitty life if her idea of a good time is looking for grammar mistakes on this website.

Sucks for your girlfriend if she saw this though. If you're getting butthurt over her having a little hair on her abdomen then you're a a fool.

@161 abdomen hair is not harmless, it does get in the way and obviously bothers the OP

dynky 3

I don't really see how offending the OPs superficial sense of beauty is 'causing harm'. And 'gets in the way'? Uh... how?

heartagram_in_ro 0

Fu op for being a superficial ass! why can't people just love people for who they are and not what they look like?! we all have hair. it's only by society "standards" that women shave at all. so get your head out of your asses and accept people as they are or you're going to die a bitter old cat person and the cats do eat you after you die so get over yourself

Babushka_Homyak 10

This. If women weren't supposed to be somewhat hairy, than the hair wouldn't grow. OP you are a shallow dickwad. F your girlfriend's L.

KayBizz 0

bet her package is bigger too soon we're gonna read; "Today, my girlfriend put me in a headlock and I passed out, she wasn't that strong, I just choked on her pit hair, FML"