Bad boys, bad boys, what ya gonna do?

By Joel Lee Burgess - 15/02/2021 22:59 - United States

Today, my wife got a call from my son's school, telling her that he was talking inappropriately in class, using bad language. Neither my wife or I ever use foul language, spoken or written. I feel like such a failure as father and parent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 728
You deserved it 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xatraris 38

Other kids at school use that language too. He picked it up from them and probably started to say it to look cool. It's not your fault

coius 23

Other than the notion to some it’s disrespectful, I never quite understood why people are so offended at some words. It’s all used throughout society and our lifetimes. Who cares when it comes to expressing emotion with a word some think are unsavory. It’s a ******* word. It’s not going to hurt you. I cuss all the time, and do it especially pronounced in front of kids and parents. Words aren’t going to hurt you. The large sledgehammer you drop on your toes does more damage to you than a neighbor being woken up by a loud expletive as FFFUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK!!!!! Is heard through the city street. What suffered more damage. Your goddamned foot, or the shitty neighbors you have to live around. Be an adult, grow the **** up and stop pretending a word is going to cause irreparable damage. I can be extremely offensive to someone and not drop one expletive during the entire beratement of your character. Watch: I hope a dead fetus is shoved into your oral and posterior cavity time and time again, while you watch as a bunch of political extremists genocide your particular race all while you be masticated and deprived of oxygen. I imagine the lifeless eyes you beam show your fear of death, all while staring into the abyss realizing that pretty soon you will take your last breath, but not before your own next generational unit is left to pass in a ditch unnoticed. (This is not a real threat, but just an example of how offense can be caused and not utter one expletive. I wish you a happy long life free of bullshit and a better perspective of the world with many wonderful prosperity to you and your entire family) Sit back and take life easy. Only worry about the important things in life. Your son is safe, your family is safe. What more could you ask for? A word isn’t going to harm you.


Xatraris 38

Other kids at school use that language too. He picked it up from them and probably started to say it to look cool. It's not your fault

There are other ways for kids to pick up bad language...other kids? Other adults? Don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m sure you guys are great parents.

phybreawptic 13

What does there YouTube history look like?

coius 23

Other than the notion to some it’s disrespectful, I never quite understood why people are so offended at some words. It’s all used throughout society and our lifetimes. Who cares when it comes to expressing emotion with a word some think are unsavory. It’s a ******* word. It’s not going to hurt you. I cuss all the time, and do it especially pronounced in front of kids and parents. Words aren’t going to hurt you. The large sledgehammer you drop on your toes does more damage to you than a neighbor being woken up by a loud expletive as FFFUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK!!!!! Is heard through the city street. What suffered more damage. Your goddamned foot, or the shitty neighbors you have to live around. Be an adult, grow the **** up and stop pretending a word is going to cause irreparable damage. I can be extremely offensive to someone and not drop one expletive during the entire beratement of your character. Watch: I hope a dead fetus is shoved into your oral and posterior cavity time and time again, while you watch as a bunch of political extremists genocide your particular race all while you be masticated and deprived of oxygen. I imagine the lifeless eyes you beam show your fear of death, all while staring into the abyss realizing that pretty soon you will take your last breath, but not before your own next generational unit is left to pass in a ditch unnoticed. (This is not a real threat, but just an example of how offense can be caused and not utter one expletive. I wish you a happy long life free of bullshit and a better perspective of the world with many wonderful prosperity to you and your entire family) Sit back and take life easy. Only worry about the important things in life. Your son is safe, your family is safe. What more could you ask for? A word isn’t going to harm you.

thank you!! who the hell decided "shit" is offensive but "poop" is ok?!

coius 23

My wife is onboard for us to call our son Lucifer. As both our families are heavily religious, with us being atheist, this will be epic for what we anticipate for reactions. Then we’ll inform them that at the time, Lucifer was the most beautiful angel in heaven. If people name their kids Michael, why does our name choice matter? It’s only later that Lucifer fell and his name/title changed due to his vanity. I love watching the conniption people get right at the moment they get triggered. It gives me hours of endless entertainment.

If your families are Christian, calling your kid Mohammad (or variant spellings) will probably piss them off more.

xxlk4xx 6

honestly they probably just heard it from other kids at school or something! I wouldn't worry too much about it, just sit down and talk to him and let him know those are grown up words! hubby and I swear infront of our kids all the time (never AT them) we've never gotten a call from their school about them swearing or anything, they know the words that they aren't allowed to use, they know that there is a time and a place for those words as they see hubby and I being considerate of certain people in our lives (we don't swear around grandmas, teachers, strangers or obviously in a playground where there are other peoples children) for me they are just words to help express different things!

peterblack67 9

Your kid uses bad language and you go to pieces? The teenage years are going to be hard for you.

rhett 5

Real litmus test for fathers that failed their children: “Keep your son off the crack pipe and your daughter off the pole.” While you’re not a currently a failure. Cussing is clearly your son’s gateway drug: his first step down the path that leads to the dark side. I suggest you convince his uncle to strike him down with a lightsaber while he sleeps. Or possibly you could ground him for the rest of the year and only let him watch the Andy Griffith show for the rest of his primary and secondary education. I make these suggestions because I’m assuming you were homeschooled, or your parents drove you to school everyday, and you were sheltered from “real life” experiences because of this. In case you didn’t know this behavior is normal for kids his age. He is simply testing the boundaries. The fix is pretty simple: 1) Re-establish the boundary, you’re the parent and you get to set them. 2) Discipline him for breaking the boundary, this will teach him that his actions have consequences. 3) Explain the expectation: why does this boundary exist in the first place?Maybe try to explain to him that you expect better behavior from him, to be the example that his friends follow, not the other way around. 4) Definitely lighten up on yourself. He’s gonna turn out fine.

I swear so much that when I have kids their first words are going to be "****", "shit", or "dammit". It's not a big deal, just make sure that your kid knows that there's a time and place for swearing and that school is not an appropriate venue.

it's nit your fault. he might've gotten it from the other kids and is copying them to "look cool"

ghostinflames 13

Man, there seem to be some very strong opinions on this topic. It's heartwarming to see everyone rally together though. Being on the outside looking in, I'm not sure of all the factors that make this such an fml, but if your kid(s) are safe and have good intentions, the rest can be reestablished.