By Anonymous - 14/04/2009 14:07 - United States

Today, I was walking through the park eating fries. There was an old woman feeding a few pigeons. They didn't seem too interested, so I threw some fries down as I walked by to try and help her out. About 2 minutes later, I heard screaming. A huge group of pigeons were attacking the old woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 533
You deserved it 19 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, I was at the park feeding pigeons like a normal homeless person. A young man walked by and threw some fries on the ground. I dashed for the fries, but then the birds fought with me for them. FML."

that's happened to me at the beach, but they were seagulls... and they attacked me x_x


that's happened to me at the beach, but they were seagulls... and they attacked me x_x

TheyCallMeMclovi 0

Did they at least get a good bite outta her too?

Isnt it more like FHL Today, I was feeding pigeons and some jerk came by and threw his fries on the ground. Suddenly the entire population of pigeons in the park were all arround and over me, covering me in birdshit. FML

Trix_Disorder 20

That's just funny, no FYL/FHL needed.

"Today, I was at the park feeding pigeons like a normal homeless person. A young man walked by and threw some fries on the ground. I dashed for the fries, but then the birds fought with me for them. FML."

lmfaooooooooooooooo #3 that was great.