By Cary - 26/12/2011 06:17 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Daryll - 22/01/2009 00:44 - United States
By cj123 - 23/12/2011 08:43 - United States
By johnny - 05/06/2023 22:00 - South Africa - Cape Town
By nerdgirlmickey - 03/03/2013 16:05 - United States - Philadelphia
By Anonymous - 18/12/2013 01:55 - China - Shanghai
By cogu - 03/02/2010 19:34 - France
By Anonymous - 17/04/2013 23:01 - United States - Bristol
By Anonymous - 10/11/2014 21:50 - United States - Mount Laurel
By manutdlol - 13/12/2009 06:15 - Malaysia
Double dump
By dumped - 10/03/2011 21:42 - Canada
Top comments
Girls with deeper voices are usually beautiful...!
Does she sound like James earl Jones?
dr girlfriend?
If she sounds like James Earl Jones, tell her to say "Luke, I am your father" (if anyone got that joke)
47-I got Holden's joke. Sure, I don't watch StarWars that much, but I grew up with it around me and I know most of the awesome quotes.
Not at all true. Scientifically, a girl having a lower voice would indicate she has lower levels of estrogen and higher amounts of testosterone. Girls with lower estrogen and higher testosterone have less womanly faces and bodies A.K.A they would be less attractive.
Really? Because I always imagined girls with the deepest voices to be overweight Russian, Scandinavian, or Polish people named Helga. Just kidding I thought I might bring out some stereotypes for people to argue aboot.
Donna Pinciotti from That 70's Show was pretty and she had a super deep voice
I kinda have a deep voice. D: Well not like creepy deep but deeper than most girls...
Don't thumb me down just because you don't like the facts.
He was being sarcastic, smart one.
Thank you 2, I feel better about myself now
Well, there goes my self esteem. Again.
What if I told you, that how your face and body looks, does not rely on the amount of oestrogen and testosterone, but on the genes you got fromm your mom and dad.
My boyfriend made a comment in passing about how deep my voice was. Not sure if it was a good thing tho.
I wouldn't worry about it till she starts going "Hey, hey, hey, it's Big Bertha." Otherwise it's kinda sexy.
"Hey hey hey it's Fat Albert" instantly came to mind after reading this haha
Justin Bieber ?
You should not let it bother you. Now, if her nuts hang lower than yours, that's a different story...
Check if she have an adam's apple
Who the hell are you dating?
*all the* not alkaline.... alkaline ?how does one- never mind I'm not even going to ask...
Did you perhaps reply to the wrong comment?
What's wrong if a girl has a deeper voice than a guy? Does that automatically her weird? No. Be happy with what you got.
*Automatically make her weird....damn ipods -.-
Is her dick larger too?
it's a girl, dumbass.
do voice deepening exercises like batman. problem solved. *adjusts voice* "where were the other drugs going? do i look like a cop?"
Well, Selena Gomez is kinda butch. Don't worry, Justin, your squeaky high-pitched voice is inexplicably popular, probably because it's slightly less irritating than Rebecca Black's.
I knew someone was gunna say that lol.
Perdix, you are my hero.
FUUUUUUUU- You beat me to it!
wtf? why were alkaline the comments deleted?
or have her say "i'm calling from inside the house"

Well, Selena Gomez is kinda butch. Don't worry, Justin, your squeaky high-pitched voice is inexplicably popular, probably because it's slightly less irritating than Rebecca Black's.
Girls with deeper voices are usually beautiful...!