By cogu - 03/02/2010 19:34 - France

Today, I realized my girlfriend has more hair on her abdomen than I have on mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 210
You deserved it 6 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KindaMay_BInLove 0

That's not really gross, silly people. Girls are genetically programmed to have more hair than boys. Would you rather she shave and have a prickly belly? I doubt it.

saranottelling 7

You guys don't get this post at all. Clearly, the man is a hairless freak of nature and the small amount of hair on his girlfriend's abdomen makes him feel the acknowledgment is "FML worthy." I'm sorry freaky hairless man! You deserve a cookie!


xoconnie 8

uhhh thats cool... JESUS GET AWAY FROM THAT "beast!" WHILE YOU CAN. shes probbly like a gorilla in disguise. tell her like "get a wax you hairy bitch, but i <3 u, dont worry". goodluck (: mwahaha

Wow, big deal, dude is probly gay and waxes, either that or he just plain doesnt hav ne body hair in the 1st place. and shaving does make hair thicker n darker, waxing makes hair thinner n lighter. I went 2 beauty school, they teach u that shit.

SettoFail 9

your gf is a damn dirty ape, ....even though I still don't know where the abdomin is.

paisleyv 0

wow, youre a retard. abdomen? abs? stomach? my 6 year old cousin knows what an abdomen is.

iamtheplatypus 0
serenaaaa_fml 0

who cares?! love her for herself, not her abdomen. thts definitly not an FML. actually, Gfys!

tommyb12321 0

ya i agree wtfff with the english lessons get a life

dreamhopelove 0

Watch her shave it off- I think you would be more disgusted. Oh yeah, and then watch it grow back thicker than the hair on your head.

Geerant 0

aww my last g/f had that its not a big deal