By fmlsrslyahhh - 06/09/2011 19:40 - Singapore

Today, I picked up a lady's dropped wallet and chased after her despite my sprained ankle. When I finally caught up with her, she smashed her chili sauce filled hotdog across my face and kicked me in the groin, accusing me of stealing her wallet. I was kept at the police station for 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 519
You deserved it 3 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eltapatio16 5
SlimShady167 3


Wow, I feel bad for you. You seem like such a nice person to go through all that trouble to help a stranger out! Don't worry though, good things will happen to good people! :)

Bossman11 6

Don't look now but I believe your profile picture is of a lesbian :O

LOL at 139's comment. Im pretty sure that's a lesbian too

Izzzzy 0

Karma will eventually get back at her. Dx

Millman_fml 9

Wow she's so stupid! Why would you bring it back?! She's dumb FYL lol

bobbyc7 0

Some people a retarded! if you stole it, why would you chase her only to give it back?

4th time I heard the ungrateful wallet-lady story. ;) originality should be stressed.

Crazy old lady... Menopause can cause crazy things... :P

izzy7 11

If you stole it, why would you give it back?! She's an ungrateful idiot. FYL dude.

stfu_bam 5

Please don't let this stop you from helping people. Don't get me wrong though, something like this would piss me off to but it's rare something like this would happen again so keep doing good deeds. Some people will actually thank you and they might help others once it hits their path. Chain reaction!

Kick her ass and chuck her walled. Fetch bitch