By fmlsrslyahhh - 06/09/2011 19:40 - Singapore

Today, I picked up a lady's dropped wallet and chased after her despite my sprained ankle. When I finally caught up with her, she smashed her chili sauce filled hotdog across my face and kicked me in the groin, accusing me of stealing her wallet. I was kept at the police station for 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 519
You deserved it 3 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eltapatio16 5
SlimShady167 3


That's just said, I feel sorry for you OP. Some people have got to stop jumping to conclusions

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

mynewaccount 8

why would someone stealing something return it? haha.

FYL for being surrounded by idiots who think robbers chase their victims AFTER they've gotten away with the crime.

How could you have stolen the wallet when you came back with it?

cheeseburger9418 3

Damn u need an apology. Sounds like some reat sheet

What kind of thief steals a wallet then runs to return it?! There isn't one! Silly bitch and stupid police! :(