By fmlsrslyahhh - 06/09/2011 19:40 - Singapore

Today, I picked up a lady's dropped wallet and chased after her despite my sprained ankle. When I finally caught up with her, she smashed her chili sauce filled hotdog across my face and kicked me in the groin, accusing me of stealing her wallet. I was kept at the police station for 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 519
You deserved it 3 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eltapatio16 5
SlimShady167 3


Christianrules 1

Should have been smart and kept it instead of trying to be a hero.

Why would she think your stealing her wallet if your are chasing after her?

varkey 7

No good deed goes unpunished. Sue her for assault. FYL

Next time keep that wallet an buy your mom something nice

DeadxManxWalking 27
PinkFun1969 9
evanedwards85 6

at least you have a police station GOD why cant people just be grateful

will you make an "at least you have..." on every FML now?

evanedwards85 6

lol I'm just trollin move along there's nothing to see here