By fmlsrslyahhh - 06/09/2011 19:40 - Singapore

Today, I picked up a lady's dropped wallet and chased after her despite my sprained ankle. When I finally caught up with her, she smashed her chili sauce filled hotdog across my face and kicked me in the groin, accusing me of stealing her wallet. I was kept at the police station for 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 519
You deserved it 3 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eltapatio16 5
SlimShady167 3


charge her with assult if she doesnt say sorry!!!!

i_am_that_one 0

Next time don't do a good deed I guess... At least not when u have a sprained ankle.

un0m3 14
Shadow_Phantom 26

People are stupid... and apparently paranoid. She's also probably the type of person who doesn't think they can do anything wrong. Oh NO it COULDN'T have been her fault the wallet was on the ground. Nope, someone stole it and ran after her, JUST to hand it back untouched. /sarcasm FYL.

Yeah! I found a lady's wallet a few months ago, it was full of credit cards but, no cash! I come home go thru the wallet trying to find her phone number, go through the phone book, calling numbers after about an hour, I got her on the phone. She came and picked up her wallet & left! No thank you, nothing and she knew how much trouble I went through to find her! I didn't want money, a thank you would've been nice though! Being nice gets you nowhere these days! I feel your pain, OP!

melonsisback 6

People suck bro, but you know you did good

Yes, because a person who just stole something would run TOWARD the person they just stole from. She's an idiot.