By fmlsrslyahhh - 06/09/2011 19:40 - Singapore

Today, I picked up a lady's dropped wallet and chased after her despite my sprained ankle. When I finally caught up with her, she smashed her chili sauce filled hotdog across my face and kicked me in the groin, accusing me of stealing her wallet. I was kept at the police station for 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 521
You deserved it 3 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eltapatio16 5
SlimShady167 3


eltapatio16 5

yeah that womens probly just going to drop it again. What a dumbass

she treated you a hotdog didn't she! kicking you in the groin was just her way of saying thank you! well, apart from you being in the police station

What's with the chasing here on FML lately?

CHizzy963369 3

What a bitch. At least you didnt get convicted of stealing

tjv3 10

no good deed goes unpunished . next time just throw it away or maybe start yelling at the person before you get there that they dropped it. I would file assault charges just because she was a douch

swimchica22 0

32- she sent him to the police station because she was impressed with his bravery and wanted to offer him a job as head police officer.

Shoulda dropped kicked that ho and ran away again with the wallet. I'm sure you coulda used the money :-) no one can say you didn't try bud.

Damn_Hippster 11

Who do you think you are doing good deeds like that?! (sarcasm)

Damn_Hippster 11

Who do you think you are doing good deeds like that?! (sarcasm)

Damn_Hippster 11

Hhhh. Didn't mean to post that twice :p

what kind of a robber would that be anyway, steal your stuff then he show it to you.

krazy_glu3 0

People nowadays are making it hard to do good deeds. Sheesh

in this kind of economy humanity is a shame

Jammy01jams 2

57 - my motto is that first four words

SlimShady167 3
MichellinMan 20
Xx_Dakota_xX 1

Rofl 2 ur pic goes perfect with ur comment

Op I'm guessing you read fmls if ur posting so this is totally a YDI because this app has proven that you can't help anyone these days

Stupid bitch doesn't deserve good people like you helping her if she's just going to be ungrateful and rude to you, OP. Hope everything was sorted out!

ImmaB3AST 7

Why Do People Talk Like This? What's The Point...?

Shit. I know it's lame. I couldn't think of anything and got excited to stumble upon a chance to be first. I didn't want to say FIRST! :D Though...cause that's worse. I failed either way though. I apologize to my fellow FMLers.

skata 4

40- what is the point of your comment?

Lol nothing now. My original post was #3. it's no longer there. It was instantly thumbed down multiple times.

KentuckyRebel92 8

No good deed goes unpunished. Sorry to hear

sxe_beast 11

Actually just keep it next time.

GlitteryMasakali 1
GlitteryMasakali 1

88 I'm sorry for my unintentional copying of your post. I shouldve read before posting.

Georgieeporgiee 9

What do you mean by "next time"? It's not like she's going to drop her wallet around him ever again.

sxe_beast 11

I meant next time you see an innocently dropped wallet just keep it. Lesson learned.

Sorry, apparently it double posted. I'd delete it if I knew how.

So your picture of you aiming a gun is allowed but mine of just holding a bazooka isn't lol

ikr, look's like he's making a last stand a Waco for chrissakes and that pic is okay?

I'm actually sitting in a friends room in iraq >_>

WTSchool 0

Was I asking for a bitch comment?

leadman1989 15

26, Is he supposed to care about how you feel?

The fact that this comment got so many thumbs down made me laugh.

sccrismyantidrg 4

8 is naturally concerned about the welfare of the poor hotdog who was the victim in this FML...

8 is naturally concerned about the welfare of the poor hotdog who was the victim in this FML...

No good deed goes unpunished, OP. It's a crazy world we live in.

ImmaB3AST 7

nothing good comes out of being nice.

TylerOMFG 7
KennKenn 0

Nice guys always finish last. If you know what I mean.