By nerdgirlmickey - 03/03/2013 16:05 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, I found out my girlfriend can do Heath Ledger's "Joker" voice perfectly. I'm not sure if I should be scared or impressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 042
You deserved it 6 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why so serious? Let her put a smile on that face. But what should I know, do I look like someone who has a plan?

Master the batman voice and have battles. Epic :)


Why so serious? Let her put a smile on that face. But what should I know, do I look like someone who has a plan?

wlddog 14

As long as she doesn't start talking about how cheap dynamite is and burn your money, I think you will be ok. 1. Did you notice that during the scene with 2 face, he has a finger over the guns hammer? He only gave the illusion of choice.

She's the girlfriend he deserves. No, I never noticed that actually, that's very intruiging!

wlddog 14

Yep. When they did a closeup at the hospital bed scene the Joker had both hands on 2 faces, and I believe it was the pointer finger of the Jokers right hand was actually resting on the revolvers hammer. The effect of the barrel pressed up against his forehead drew your eyes away from the hammer. A second blow your mind idea could be this,,,, would you have noticed his finger on the hammer if he has not been so dramatic by placing the gun in 2 faces hand against his head?

I don't know much about guns- what's the significance of his finger being on the hammer there?

Don't get on her bad side OP or she'll cut you into little pieces and feed you to her pooches!

I'd only be worried if she does it in bed

iOceanus 18

I don't know. Some people might find that kinky!

Yea just wait until she shows you what she can do with a pencil!

Actually, if he finds a Harley Quinn wannabe, he'll have a hell of a night.

Master the batman voice and have battles. Epic :)

Or master a two face impression and get a coin. Heads, we have sex. Tails, and we still have sex.

Or -- Heads or Tails could also mean. . . __?___ (Fill in the blank) :P

heads I eat u out, tails we're doing anal

hotPinklipstick 24

Heads, you give me tail. Tails, you give me head.

boojie97 12

Haha, no, that's always been my picture. It was me on Halloween.

beddington 7

Just don't ask her to show you a magic trick.

I'll never look at pencils the same! :P

Just make sure to keep some lights on in the hose at all times

wlddog 14

Its short for pantyhose. If you keep christmas lights down the legs of your pantyhose, not only do your legs stay warm but you look really festive. And you also get a power-cord to follow you around.

I would be impressed. That's pretty cool.