By Anonymous - 10/02/2012 16:12 - United States

Today, I noticed that I have gained enough weight to give me back boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 808
You deserved it 34 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shanemaximo 7

Well look on the bright side, now you have a backup pair.

Now you going to need a Bra for the front and the back.


Sounds like you broke up with the gym for a Whopper.

LoveMay 10

I don't think OP said they got back the boobs they lost. I think she meant that she got boobs on her back from all the fat that she gained O.o Also I don't think it's possible to 'lose' boobs…

73 - DUHHHH! I couldn't sense 27's sarcasm. Honestly. -_-

It actually is possible to lose them cause they kinda are just fat and I have

blair_x 12

@73, it's actually very possible to lose boobs. Usually they're the first ones to go when one looses weight.

bubo_fml 10

Follow the 'Mullet Motto': "Business in the front, party in the back!"

Sweat enough and you'll have back nipples too! (I know I'll get flamed for this)

kittenvks 11

I'm trying to decide if OP means she got her boobs back or she has the disgusting back fat boobs...

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, have you thought about, exercising?

iloveweed69 7

better than being flat chested girl.

Not atall, who the **** wants back boobs? LOL

What?! If I was given the choice between being flat-chested or having back-boobs, and I was forced to choose one; I would definitely choose being flat-chested. It's a no-brainer, in my eyes.

DaleksAreEpic 0

4 boobs are better than one... er... I mean two...

Oh great, another FML where everyone says YDI just because OP mentioned her weight. When will people understand that having some meat on your bones is far more attractive than ribs sticking out? Skinny doesn't mean healthy/attractive either, yet it's all that's accepted in society. It makes me physically ill. We don't know OP's condition - she could have a busy job with no time to exercise, or maybe she's in part of the US where there's several inches of snow on the ground so she can't even walk. We don't know that, all we know is that she's gained weight. It happens, stop being so unsympathetic and move on.

TheDrifter 23

Back boobs don't develop until a person is hundreds of pounds overweight. That is neither healthy nor attractive. On a side note, really, you view a few inches of snow as a valid reason to not exercise at all? I work 80 hours a week, in Canada, and there are still plenty of time gaps for me to fit in a half hour workout, four blocks jogging to and from the beer store, half of it carrying twenty pounds, in the snow, is a good workout.

ssnowywinter 0

She could have a disorder with her metabolism or something of that nature, where no matter what she eats, or how hard she exercises, she still gains weight or can't lose it.

Vash_41288 10

Not trying to be too harsh but I mean doesn't sound like its only a little weight gain. I think as long as you are healthy and feel good about yourself that is all that matters( in this case she might not feel good , hence the fml.) I say go to the gym, or work out in your home for you and your health. Wish you the best OP

48, I am 30 pounds over my BMI and have some back-boob almost. I'm 170, not 350. It may be the same for OP.

TheDrifter 23

67, I am 290lbs, over 100 over my bmi guideline here and I'm not even close to that bad. Admittedly a lot of it is muscle mass and beer gut, but I'm getting the feeling our bmi charts recommend a much lower weight here in Canada.

desireev 17

Yamster- I guess that's why they call it 'free-will'! Anyone is free to do, eat, exercise, sit around as they please! (Etc..) That's the beautiful thing about America! You can't do a damn thing about OPs weight or my weight or anyone elses weight! As long as you're happy with your weight, then you are okay! It is NOT your job or position to criticize others or judge them! Sure, OPs weight may be unhealthy. But that doesn't mean for one second that you have any say in it at all! Quit being such a jackass about the matter! I'm sure that if people were able to look at you, there would be many things people would say were ugly about you!

You are so right! Wanted to give you thumbs up but my iPhone won't let me for some reason..with that said I personally give you 10000 thumbs up for stating REALITY to those self righteous obese people who think being obese is ok, when it's NOT...No more excuses....just do something other than sitting on your butts stuffing your guts.

Lool i was also gonna comment on the snow part cause i live in Canada too... I still manage to go 4 times a week to the gym though ^^

84, I live in Hamilton Ontario. I'm 100% Canadian and my BMI should be 140 at 5'7"

Tree96 0

Could you clarify something for me...? Are you stating that you would run down to the liquor store with TWENTY POUNDS of alcohol...?

Tree96 0

"people will say that a clearly overweight woman is still beautiful. She clearly isn't and everybody knows it" Uhhh....if someone would say that woman is beautiful they usually mean. Now I'm just going to make an assumption base on your comment, not everyone has to be fit to look beautiful. Some people find overweight women and men attractive because they are attracted to their personality not their look. And who cares if someone is fat? How much is it going to affect your life? I don't understand what has gotten you so bitter but why can't you just accept the fact that some people are overweight and it's their business and no one else's. And losing weight is not as simple as you make it seem. For some people it is a very simple thing and for others it is an extremely difficult task. I don't know you do for all I know you used to be fat and lost the weight or maybe you just know how to maintain a certain weight, no matter how easy it is or was for you doesn't mean it is the same for everyone else.


For all we know she could've just had a baby! Stop hating on op when we don't know the specifics of her situation