By Anonymous - 10/02/2012 16:12 - United States

Today, I noticed that I have gained enough weight to give me back boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 808
You deserved it 34 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shanemaximo 7

Well look on the bright side, now you have a backup pair.

Now you going to need a Bra for the front and the back.


Stop mopping around feeling sorry for yourself ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE YOURSELF! Actions speak louder than words. I was miserable 8 months ago do I changed my whole life I lost 140 lbs I feel a million times happier with my life, you can do it. Just do it don't talk about it.

ok... remind me why that is a bad thing?

Hey, twice the fun. You would at least be a neighborhood fan-favorite.

walkern1891 0

Oh I didn't get it at first, I thought she meant she was skinny but now she has boobs.

Use sharpies to draw nipples on them :P then have someone moterboat them