By yerface - 13/02/2009 03:52 - United States

Today, I told my mom I was excited my boobs were getting bigger. She told me that that's what happens when you get fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 738
You deserved it 8 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spencer_fml 0

Nothign's wrong with a full figured woman with big boobs ;D.

What the **** is wrong with you? FML is not for hooking up


Spencer_fml 0

Nothign's wrong with a full figured woman with big boobs ;D.

exactly spencer! hun, boobs are nothing to be ashamed of. walk with your chin up...not your nose, your chin lol

I like boobs. I'm sure yours a just fantastic.

your mom is probably just a bitch if you're going through puberty and are excited about it :) if your doctor says you're healthy then i'm sure you are, don't let your mother tell you anything otherwise :) (if you're not going through puberty.. your mom either is funny and was joking, or is still a bitch)

redhead10 0

yep. my mom said the same thing. >.<