Body Positivity

By Anonymous - 26/10/2019 04:03

Today, after going through a major weight loss and change of lifestyle to better my confidence and health, I now have saggy thighs, arms and boobs, a deflated ass, two inches of hanging stomach, and have realized just how unsymmetrical my face is. Oh, and my physical health has never been worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 824
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that'll happen with quick weight loss. hopefully it was done safely and that isn't the cause of your health issues. surgery and building muscle is probably the best you can do at this junction. it's hard but in the long term I'm sure you'll thank yourself

E2dav 5

Congrats on losing all that weight! And hun, don't worry it's very normal. Same thing happened to a friend of mine - she has a plastic surgeon consult booked in next wk


E2dav 5

Congrats on losing all that weight! And hun, don't worry it's very normal. Same thing happened to a friend of mine - she has a plastic surgeon consult booked in next wk

that'll happen with quick weight loss. hopefully it was done safely and that isn't the cause of your health issues. surgery and building muscle is probably the best you can do at this junction. it's hard but in the long term I'm sure you'll thank yourself

Mungolikecandy 19

if someone has a lot of extra weight to the point of morbid obesity they can be left with skin folds if they lose significant weight as the elasticity of the skin has gone and it has been stretched. Unfortunately, the only route to remove these is usually surgery to excise the excess skin.

People who lose weight correctly don't have that. What method did you use?

False. Those who were extremely overweight always have this problem. like someone mentioned above, the extreme stretching of the skin caused it to lose elasticity.