By Anonymous - 29/08/2009 00:59 - United States

Today, I left for college. I spent hundreds of dollars on clothes, bedding and other things. After packing my entire closet and everything else I needed, I left only to have to head back home. My dad forgot to pay the first semesters tuition. He said "Oh well, you would have failed out anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 755
You deserved it 3 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's... awful. You'll find a way to make it work, though, if you really want to.

thats just sad how your dad doesn't have faith in you lmfaoo


Who else made an account just now to bitch at this kid?

Only you. The unfortunate part is that I've read some of your comments, and you're an idiot.

acd23 0

It looks like you're the only one. I'm not sure why you even want to bitch at this kid. Just because you didn't have great parents doesn't mean other parents are "spoiling" their kids for helping with their success in life. Some people have parents that can pay for education, and are willing to do so. I'm sorry that you didn't have parents like that, but that doesn't mean you should go and make an FML account so you can bitch about how much worse your life was in college. To me, it's the last sentence that really makes this an FML. No one likes to hear that their parents think that they will fail without even giving them a chance to prove themselves.

Wow, that happened to me too. {The my dad not paying for college, when he said he was going to, I had a scholarship so I didn't need much more money. I didn't buy any clothes or anything since I was pretty broke at the time} Don't worry, you'll go to college, just like I did! You just have to get a loan/financial aid. It's not as bad as it seems. Next time, don't trust your parents to do anything for you.

fMYYYlife 0

It's funny how everyone is making all these assumptions of the OP.. He gave you no information on his personal life.. Not any of you know anything about him. Sooo I'm done here peeeeeeace.

Sure he did. He gave us enough information to make the comments we're making. I know those things about him. I'm not saying anything about him that hasn't come from the information supplied to me. It's not like I said "omg this baby wetz his racecar bed every night lmaoal".

How the hell is the parent greedy if he was going to give his adult son free money? Also, my other comment disappeared, and that sucks. EDIT: Comments getting all kinds of messed up.

Look dude, just because you're parents suck doesn't mean everyone whose parents actually care about them are spoiled. When I graduated highschool, my parents bought me a car. They paid for my full college tuition. When I got married last year they insisted on paying for the reception. I never asked for any of those things. But they always told me as long as I did good in school I wouldn't have to worry about anything. And even though they don't expect anything from me, I intend on paying them back once I start working full-time. And honestly, if you look at it in the long run...who's gonna be the one who will take care of my parents once they're old? ME!!! Whose money is gonna pay for their retirement home or special care if they ever need it? MINE! So after all by putting me through college and making sure I get good education, they're only investing in their own future. And you better believe that if I ever have kids, I will pay for their college if I have the money to do so. I want my kids to go through college and actually concentrate on studying instead of worrying about working a shitload besides going to school. Of course I will insist that they at least make some money of their own, but I would never say "okay, you're out of highschool now, get your ass out of here and pay for your own shit"...people like that shouldn't have kids in my opinion. Whether they're adults or not, having children is a lifetime responsibility. You should be there for them regardless of how old they are. Of course you shouldn't be babying them all their life, but don't treat them like dirt either. It's an entirely different story if the parents can't afford to pay tuition...but having the money and not wanting to... And in addition to that...the comment OP's Dad made..."you would have failed out anyway" REALLY? Who in the world says that to their child...that's like saying "Ah you're gonna be dead soon anyway" when your parents should be put in a retirement home. And I honestly don't believe that your parents asked for you to take care of yourself at 9 years old. Really? You went out and got a job at 9 or 10 years old...yea...

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letitbe56 0

Puolukka, your comment was right on. If you're not willing to do all you can to ensure that your kids get the best life you can give them, then you should never have had kids.

I really love this comment. In all honestly, that's exactly what I was thinking as I read others' comments, where they constantly assume the worst about the OP and bitch about 'being an adult' and crap like that. That's so inconsiderate. Being a parent shouldn't expire in eighteen years. For those commenters who had to do it all on their own, good for you, but I have parents who actually care, and rather than throw away something that is -amazing-, I'll take their love and do my best to return the favor when I'm in my ideal career because they could pay for my choice college. I love my parents, and their efforts are forever and constantly appreciated. See you in a three years, guys - I'll be making the video games you all play. ;)

mansen 15

I agree, what is with all the ppl saying, well your an adult now, pay your own way. If you are a kid just out of high school and all of a sudden you're expected to pay for your college or university education all by yourself, and lets make this include every single damn kid out there; there wouldn't be that many getting a secondary education. A part time job in high school does not pay that much, and you still have to maintain your grades just to get into said college. When parents have a child, they take on the responsibility of that child, their upbringing and their future, making sure they can go as far as they can that is within their financial means. And if that means helping their child go through college even if they are 18 or older...what is wrong with that? My mom put aside bonds when I was born to help me go to university. I still worked all through high school and summer, that just went to pay for my rent and furniture etc. I still held a full time job while in Uni just eek by on finances and in the next years to come had to rely on student loans as well as work. And also the help of my parents when they could provide it, because I was their child and they want to see me succeed in life. And as for checking sched and registration before leaving...where I live, you can register for your classes and even start attending your classes before your tuition is due, you have about two weeks after classes start to pay up before they toss you out, so again, that could have been the situation with the OP. He could have registered, had all that crap in order and his dad was going to pay when he got there and started. Who knows, that info wasn't given. I had the situation once where I p[aid tuition and books, was attending classes, AFTER i triple checked my admission was still accepted even though I failed a high school course ( I even drove 1000km to check at the Uni in person and was told I was still accepted) only to receive a call that I might get booted due to their oversight. I thankfully wasn't but point being...shit happens.

If the original poster didn't value his education, he wouldn't have posted this FML. You're assuming he is as bitter as you, yourself, are.

blankslate 0

I would assume that even if you are not paying for your education yourself, that you would at least keep track of your fee schedule and all that so you know know exactly what's going on. I would think making sure your stuff was taken care of would come before buying clothes. It's just responsibility. I would assume you would want to be more in the loop than that.

wearinsexypants 0

You guys are all stupid. I have never started a semester with all my fees and tuition paid. Technically it's due the first day but they don't charge interest until like a month later. That doesn't mean I'm dumb or lazy, it just means that we often don't have the money to pay it early, not to mention my school it the suck at actually telling you how much you own. Anyway I highly, highly doubt you would be told to go home the first day, especially when you are moving into dorms and stuff.

blankslate 0

I disagree. I've learned that the hard way too. Last semester I paid my tuition right on the deadline. This semester , I tried to pay on the deadline and even the day before and was dropped from all of my classes. Although, last year many students seemed to go at least two weeks before getting a notice.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Who wants to marry me? 754 pounds. Black hair Green eyes I won american fat 4 times in a row Rich

Microsoftfan 0

Instead of going on the internet you fat lazy ****, look for someone who you could actually love. We don't give a shit that you're rich (you probobly aren't anyway) And seriously, stick to being on topic. Anyway, OP, I don't really know what to say about that.

noob he's/she's a troll even their name say's that they are btw i will ;)

How did you not know your college tuition wasn't paid for? I understand that your father made it aware he was going to pay the expenses, but why didn't you keep up on it? Didn't you get bills or anything from the college, or just even say "Hey, dad, pay for my college lately?" I'm starting my freshman year this year, and I know the second I recieved my class schedule it came with a bill that I was told "had to be paid in 24 hours." Even if you had no plans of paying the money, you should've taken into account that you had a bill that needed to be paid.

FAKE. Overdue payment is very common, especially for international students who have to transfer funds from oversea. Colleges don't kick you out for overdue balance, at least not on the first day. Even if this is real, YDI for not reminding your parents. It's their money, but it's your responsibility to make sure it's paid on time.