By Anonymous - 29/08/2009 00:59 - United States

Today, I left for college. I spent hundreds of dollars on clothes, bedding and other things. After packing my entire closet and everything else I needed, I left only to have to head back home. My dad forgot to pay the first semesters tuition. He said "Oh well, you would have failed out anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 755
You deserved it 3 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's... awful. You'll find a way to make it work, though, if you really want to.

thats just sad how your dad doesn't have faith in you lmfaoo


Fake. What university makes you pay your complete balance before class even starts? And if it is true, maybe his dad was right. Parents generally know their children and a lot of kids aren't ready to take college seriously enough right out of highschool. But if he really wants to attend school he could be like 50% of students who pay for themselves, it's not impossible.

at leadst now you have new clothes and other cool stuff

Uh hello. You're in college and you're moving out of your parents house. Shouldn't you at least take some responsibilities for yourself? It's ultimately your responsibility to check and make sure everything was correct. YDI big time and at least your parents are paying for your tuition. Alot of kids don't have it that easy. Stop whining and being a baby.

stixjd90 0

shit man, thats rough. but i agree with #89....but your dad needs to make it up to you and find some way to get into that college, even if he has to beg the dean to let you in.

YDI. You'd think a smart person would make sure they were actually in, everything paid for and all that before they packed and headed there. Your dad was probably right, you were too dumb and would have failed out.

BLACKJAW WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?! Parents pay for their child's tuition because THEY LOVE THEM AND CARE ABOUT THEM! One reason parents pay for their child's tuition for college is because THEY WANT THEIR CHILD TO BE MORE SUCCESSFUL THEN THEY WERE. The father is a selfish a$$hole, for saying he would pay it, when he didn't. I agree, it ISN'T the parents responsibility to pay for college, but if THEY WANT TO WHY THE HELL CANT THEY?!?!?!?!?!?!

**** all of you people saying the OP should pay for himself. Why should he? If he dad promised that he would pay for it, then what incentive would YOU have to scrounge together like 6 grand a year to pay for it? And just because he spent "hundresd of dollars" on clothes and stuff does NOT in the slightest mean that he can pay for college. It's called saving up. Apparently most people don't realize that as a concept, but some people don't always spend all of their money as soon as they get it.

Epic parental fail. Isn't their job supposed to be to support you and believe in you when all others don't?

Why is it your parents duty to pay for your college just get loans and grow some balls.