By Anonymous - 29/08/2009 00:59 - United States

Today, I left for college. I spent hundreds of dollars on clothes, bedding and other things. After packing my entire closet and everything else I needed, I left only to have to head back home. My dad forgot to pay the first semesters tuition. He said "Oh well, you would have failed out anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 755
You deserved it 3 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's... awful. You'll find a way to make it work, though, if you really want to.

thats just sad how your dad doesn't have faith in you lmfaoo


Leashaness 5

YDI for expecting your parents to pay for your adult schooling. i bet they bought you a car on your 16th as well? Lucky for you, you don't have to work to pay for college. You also deserved it for trusting your dad in the first place. Parents, especially fathers, as not to be trusted.

Wow Blackjaw, bitter much? Are you saying that if your parents had offered to pay thousands of dollars a year for your education you would have turned them down to prove you're not "spoiled"? Please. Stop pretending you're better than everyone because you had bad luck or a poor family.

um HELLO why is it your dad's responsibility to make sure the tuition is paid? sure my parents pay it, but i have to constantly remind them when the due date is, and then i make sure i get a confirmation from my college saying it is paid (which all colleges do). if you didn't get any confirmation email or anything, then YDI for not checking up on it.

I guess its time to take out student loans. It kinda surprises me though, that you've got to home. My loans don't usually reach the school until well into the semester, and my school doesn't kick me out. Yes, I may get a hold on my account, but the money comes in and everything is fine. To everyone bashing him about having a parent willing to pay for school: It is possible that the parents are paying up front, but OP'll have to pay them back. Some of my friends parents took out loans in their own names for lower interest rates, but my friends are still the ones paying for school.

All of you are huge asshole that love to lick ball sacks hahahahaha

alex_vik 0

Well, at least you've got new bedding, clothes, and other things now.

star_ver 0

I put FYL and YDI. FYL for your dad being a retarded asshole. But YDI for not checking beforehand to make sure everything was straight with your school.

yup. it's official. Shoulda paid it yourself. Then you wouldn't have had to worry about buying new bedding and clothes anyways.... you'd be broke. haha.

if you're going into college you're old enough to know how to pay for your tuition by yourself. your parents have other things to worry about, so grow up and take some responsibility for your own shit