By Anonymous - 29/08/2009 00:59 - United States

Today, I left for college. I spent hundreds of dollars on clothes, bedding and other things. After packing my entire closet and everything else I needed, I left only to have to head back home. My dad forgot to pay the first semesters tuition. He said "Oh well, you would have failed out anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 755
You deserved it 3 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's... awful. You'll find a way to make it work, though, if you really want to.

thats just sad how your dad doesn't have faith in you lmfaoo


All of you who are telling this kid that they deserve it, to grow up and "pay for college yourself" wtf? Did you ever think that maybe this person is fresh out of high school? First semester of college? Grow up? They are 17 or 18! Good grief give them a break. They probably used their graduation money to pay for all the new stuff and if their dad told them that he was going to pay their tuition bill then HE SHOULD HAVE PAID THE TUITION BILL. It's not OP's fault their dad is a douche.

One day he'll need you, and you can tell him to **** off then. God bless nursing homes. In the meantime, register for spring take the money, and prove him wrong.

fallacy_fml 0

Hey you know it's your responsibility to take care of that financial business when you go to college. So, I don't feel bad for you. YDI.

No, your dad didn't forget. YOU are the one who forgot. You are the one who has access to your student account to see the exact amount of tuition you must pay, and what day it is due by. Even if he's the one paying for your tuition, you are still responsible for letting him know all this. YDI for being that irresponsible and ignorant.

sportsnut 0

you mean you expected to ride your daddy's coattails? I don't get it, why does everyone think that someone else is going to pay for them to go to school. I def. paid my own way but you have got to grow up and quit being such a baby

purplegrl 0

maybe he didn't want you to leave :)

YDI for not being responsible for your own finances.

everyone should stop bitching that parents shouldn't pay for schooling. unless they really can't afford it, I think it's stupid for parents not to contribute at least something to their child's education. so for all those people who say "you're spoiled, I had to pay for my own schooling, blah blah blah", good for you and stfu. I have a decent-paying job, and I still don't have enough money for school, so I'm not going to say no to my parents making a contribution. assholes.

LOOOL!!!!! TAKE THAT!!!! Now think on the water bill you'll have to pay!!! LOL!

Haha, i take it you ment to commment on the FML above this one. hehehe. nice screw up.