By Anonymous - 29/08/2009 00:59 - United States

Today, I left for college. I spent hundreds of dollars on clothes, bedding and other things. After packing my entire closet and everything else I needed, I left only to have to head back home. My dad forgot to pay the first semesters tuition. He said "Oh well, you would have failed out anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 755
You deserved it 3 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's... awful. You'll find a way to make it work, though, if you really want to.

thats just sad how your dad doesn't have faith in you lmfaoo


what a bastard. what kind of father says that. slip arsenic in his toothpaste.

nottobeknown4 5

Thats ****** up man i hope the best for your future ;)

JudgeComrade 17

Are you Dudley Dursley? Cause you sounds just like an entitled little brat.

Maybe you should be more financially responsible. It's your education not your dad's.

lifeisstrange84 8

Parents who set you up for failure...and they Bitch about how our generation is failing? We learned from our teachers...

Why was your dad paying the tuition and not you?

sarahcroy20 12

You get all sorts of paperwork before you even get there so this really doesn't make sense.