By apparentlyugly - 26/04/2009 16:49 - United States

Today, I went to a concert. They had this feature where you could send a picture of something from your cell phone and they'd put it on the big screens, so I sent a picture of myself in. When the picture came up on the screens, the entire crowd of about 4,000 people went, "Ewwww!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 491
You deserved it 112

Top comments

randomsloth 0

hbahahah omfg thats priceless

mrlucky4444 0

Camera Phone: $130 Concert Tickets: $250 New Outfit: $100 Having your picture booed at by an entire crowd: PRICELESS


randomsloth 0

hbahahah omfg thats priceless

mrlucky4444 0

Camera Phone: $130 Concert Tickets: $250 New Outfit: $100 Having your picture booed at by an entire crowd: PRICELESS

For everything else there is Mastercard !

rakhil11 7
ImmortalKratos 0

didn't know orr=w good to know I guess

if your really sorry, you would at least make the effort to spell sorry right

Sarahjoy153 9

Sry would be short for sorry. Adding a W where it doesnt belong just looks stupid. So no its not short for sorry.

I'm sure he/she doesn't need your sympathy.

jdb2009 0

Is this another fat person FML? So many of those going around here...

julia19 0

i dont believe that....i doubt 4,000 people (or even close to that) would all be so disrespectful and call you ugly. fake much? #4-I totally agree so many people copy FMLs

Atwood_fml 0

The people in the crowd are assholes, forget about them. Unless you goatsed the camera, then it's totally a YDI.

EffinWhosLife 0

This, is a true FML. I feel your pain, not really, but at least you were selected! I heard that #8 Owns.


xox_dork16 0

LMFAO! its okay there is more ugly people out there(:

rakhil11 7

btw i voted 4 both. FYL bcuz u can't really control how u look (although makeup sometimes does wonders). However, YDI bcuz y the hell would u show a pic of urself 2 tons of random strangers, who r all around u??!!

well. i would show myself to 2,000 people cuz im proud of the way i look. maybe she was proud of the way she looked and the crowed was just messing with her. not really her fault

That's like asking why would you walk in public.