By Shone - 15/04/2012 23:39 - Canada - Grand Forks

Today, I had to get stitches on my foot and was then forced to wear a plastic bag on my foot while showering. The plastic bag made me slip in the shower and had to go back and get stitches in my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 712
You deserved it 3 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have to wear a plastic bag on your head now?

DontClickOnMe 28

You should've tried and stuck your foot out of the shower. Oh well, but I hope you get better soon, OP!


metal8lover 11

ouch better luck next time

DWT 18

Why so little votes on this?

I had to get stitches in my arm. I went SCUBA diving the next. It got infected, and made me feel like crap for 2 weeks, but on the bright side, the reef I dove was beautiful.

dswomi 12

Are you planning on taking the plastic bag challenge now?