By Biggie - 12/05/2009 07:49 - United States

Today, I was walking with my girlfriend when she began skipping ahead of me and out in to the street. I saw a car coming right at her so I tackled her to the ground to save her. Turns out the car was stopping and was never going to hit her, and my girlfriend doesn't appreciate concussions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 823
You deserved it 12 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cessari 0

LOL You've been watching too many super hero movies


Cessari 0

LOL You've been watching too many super hero movies

I agree its the thought that counts. RI

Is she like giganto fat or something? Picking her up is far more effective and more romantic for those "oh shit, I totally over reacted moments"! Just sayin...

teufelschloss 0

ouch >.o;; At least you care for her.

Just wondering, what would make it so the car "was never going to hit her", was it at a stopped light or stop sign? Was the person slowing down? If so, tackling her was pretty dumb :/

Also if he tackled her to the ground wouldnt the car hit both of them too?