By Shone - 15/04/2012 23:39 - Canada - Grand Forks

Today, I had to get stitches on my foot and was then forced to wear a plastic bag on my foot while showering. The plastic bag made me slip in the shower and had to go back and get stitches in my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 712
You deserved it 3 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have to wear a plastic bag on your head now?

DontClickOnMe 28

You should've tried and stuck your foot out of the shower. Oh well, but I hope you get better soon, OP!


funnyguy2697 6

now you need a plastic bag on your head when showering?? you have to wear a plastic bag over your head?

Don't shower before you break anything else lol. Worse case scenario wash yourself with a wet towel and sit down somewhere save. I feel sorry for u OP.

Lmao it seems like you are Made out of sugar because you crack easily .

footslave 0

You could've stood on my face or my neck or my back that would fix your problem.

ruairiwright 0

For the love of god, DONT put a plastic bag on yur head while showering now, or you might get a little more than stitches...

Maddie_Cakes 3

Ouch! Sounds painful. Hope you get better soon .-.

linkinpark98 23

This sounds like an idea for a new horror movie character. "Stitch". Yeah, that seems to fit the description nicely.