By Shone - 15/04/2012 23:39 - Canada - Grand Forks

Today, I had to get stitches on my foot and was then forced to wear a plastic bag on my foot while showering. The plastic bag made me slip in the shower and had to go back and get stitches in my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 712
You deserved it 3 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have to wear a plastic bag on your head now?

DontClickOnMe 28

You should've tried and stuck your foot out of the shower. Oh well, but I hope you get better soon, OP!


KiddNYC1O 20

Should've showered while sitting on one of those plastic white chairs.

Cause of accident: Lack of adhesive ducks.

Trisha_aus 15

Ouch I know how you feel! Same thing happened to me, except my injury was from a bus accident...try one of those shower chairs..feel better op

I know in a small way how hard it is to shower when you can't get something wet. I am currently in my second week of getting a huge dragon tattoo going up my leg and it even wraps around my ankle, but for it to heal it my not be in water for too long, so I do the plastic bag thing too. Boo I say!

The same situation happened to me; except for the whole fallinq in the shower. I was only six and was smart enouqh to know standing in the shower with a baq over your foot was a bad idea.

smoshianforever 0

Did you have to put a plastic bag on your head?