By Shone - 15/04/2012 23:39 - Canada - Grand Forks

Today, I had to get stitches on my foot and was then forced to wear a plastic bag on my foot while showering. The plastic bag made me slip in the shower and had to go back and get stitches in my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 712
You deserved it 3 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have to wear a plastic bag on your head now?

DontClickOnMe 28

You should've tried and stuck your foot out of the shower. Oh well, but I hope you get better soon, OP!


kileypalmer 0

OP you didn't fall you just attacked the floor backwards(: a classic move.

Now you have can match from head to foot!

The difference between rubber duck stickers and not. - Sheldon Cooper BBT

inxomniac 3

So is this the one time it's okay to put a plastic bag on your head?

This is my account, didn't have one when I wrote this. :P I'm fine, no plastic bag on my head, I'll make my display pic of the stitches :P

Hence why you take a bath and hang your foot over the side.

Baths leave you dirty still and you'd have to stand up in the shower to rinse off.

maria_luvs_u 1

That is what you get for having a lack of adhesive ducks. :) You should really thing about getting some ;D

pengin 13

That legit sucks... but, if i were you, I would have thought about the fact you can't firmly stand.. a standing shower just seems to be asking for trouble..... i would've not only asked for help but also try to take a bath or have a shower chair where you don't need to stand.... hopefully you've atleast learned though!

Do you wear a bag on your head now?