By GeneralElement - 19/02/2010 06:32 - United States

Today, in math, I was working on an assignment and this really cute girl comes over and says my name. At this point, my heart is pumping with excitement and I'm thinking she is going to ask for my number. She said, "Did you know someone drew a penis on your back?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 922
You deserved it 3 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hate how everyone on this site thinks that a cute girl or hot guy talks to them because their gonna get laid, only to find out that their life is ******

perdix 29

The winning comeback: Well, maybe you'd like to draw a back on my penis?


i hate how everyone on this site thinks that a cute girl or hot guy talks to them because their gonna get laid, only to find out that their life is ******

theian01 3

Well put yourself in their perspective. Your lonely, not good with the opposite sex, and need some love. Well I assume that since no one can really turn anything into a joke with the other person to try to start something...

u shoulda asked her if she ever had one behind her and maybe she woulda took ur number the wh0le 7 digits from behind!!

Today, I was going to ask the guy I like for his number. I walked by him, and noticed there was a penis on his back. Nevermind to my question. FML

JustStopSucking 0

maybe the guy who drew the penis will be "pumping you with excitement" later

TrueWord 0
DRock525 0

sex related advice coming from the dude with a lizard in his face????

The OP said, "back", not, "shirt", so maybe it's a tatoo.

how could someone have given him a tattoo without him knowing? besides the girl said "drew".

True, and I misspelled "tattoo" too :(

GeneralElement 0

Well, I was thinking that same thing. Just, I think I was sleeping in a class at one point. So that may be when they drew it. :|

KurouTenshi 0

this is like the time princess Zelds came up to me, and I thought I was gonna get laid, but then I had to go save Hyrule D:

perdix 29

The winning comeback: Well, maybe you'd like to draw a back on my penis?

at this point I'm just scrolling through the comments on each FML to look for perdix's comment

What a nerd. How can you get sooo nervous around someone? Just chill out.

No, their names just happen to be excactly the same.