Did I stutter?

By Ally - 20/05/2022 14:00

Today, I had a job interview. I have a speech impediment and as much as I tried to keep it under control, it came out during the interview. I could tell the interviewers were trying to hold in their laughter. They ended the interview after 5 agonizing minutes, saying they’ll contact me. I left in tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 173
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kitten79TX 5

If they were trying to "hold in their laughter" then they are immature asshats that you don't want to work with anyway. I'm sorry o.p. I'd honestly contact their H.R. department and file a complaint. You deserve better.

Not folks you want to work with. Find some folks that value you for you ability.


Did they end it with, "Th-th-that's all, f-f-folks!"? That would be mean, but also funny.

kitten79TX 5

Why would you make fun of the o.p.? In this situation? You're such an ass.

Not folks you want to work with. Find some folks that value you for you ability.

kitten79TX 5

If they were trying to "hold in their laughter" then they are immature asshats that you don't want to work with anyway. I'm sorry o.p. I'd honestly contact their H.R. department and file a complaint. You deserve better.