By SCREWED - 15/07/2011 06:25 - United States

By SCREWED - 15/07/2011 06:25 - United States
By stillhave2years - 22/05/2013 10:56 - United States
By Jess - 30/05/2011 15:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/09/2009 04:55 - United States
By ugh - 12/03/2010 06:05 - United States
By SCARRED - 29/08/2014 20:15 - United States - Kansas City
By Jonnygiant - 14/03/2009 01:45 - United States
By notsurprised - 01/08/2011 12:55 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/07/2019 04:00
By bob - 05/02/2011 12:02 - United States
By scarredforlife - 08/08/2009 01:34 - United States
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
That's exactly what I was thinking !
in some cases, beat to 'em. not if your family though. but I would have
That's not what Chris Brown did
becuase he could beat her so he isn't have to join her
didn't have to*
Your mom knows how to get down, party at your house!
57 op is a her, so it would be even better
That's pretty sick dolphin. You'd beat to your mother dancing naked? Get help.
71 he's obviously joking.... or atleast that's the vibe I'm feeling
seriousness is not my forte. but that is
76 he's not joking, that's just how WE roll.
Now I have the song "Do The Hustle" stuck in my head. 'Do the hustle! ba ba ba ba ba ba ba....' Dammit.
Sounds like an orgy waiting to happen.
Naked hustle? Sounds like that one time at summer camp...
at least you didn't find em grindin.
At least you didn't find em douching it up in their bathroom taking myspace mirror pictures.
haha as soon as I read "do the hustle" I instantly thought of Fry from Futurama
lets all get stoned and dance around. Best feeling in the world.
As long as she enjoyed herself!
you look a little constipated there my love.
There's nothing wrong with taking your shirt off...
milf indeed!
hmmm that's precisely what I was thinking.... he should break out the videocamera
it's a girl though, so how would that...
I don't think this is an FML. it's more of a MASSIVE WTF?????
I don't think this is an FML. it's more of a MASSIVE WTF?????
# 3 why would he be lucky to see his mom dancing naked???
it was probably directed at her mom's friends . . . i hope.
I miss the days were people knew about sarcasm...
Really 149... do you feel better about your life now.. I'd say you were cool but I'd be lying... and I'd ask where your from but I don't care... happy?
at least it wasn't the truffle shuffle.
What happened to all of your clothes!?? D:
Did you join them?
I bet it was embarrassing . :o
You must be new. Most of your comments are stupid.
It's kinda hard to ignore your comments when they're so easy to talk about.
I'm not being a snob. I didn't assay anything about your grammar but on the last FML, why would you break up with a guy just because he lives with his mom..?
It doesn't say ANYWHERE that he doesn't have a job. Yes the economy sucks. Like I said before, he's maybe making only enough that his able to live with his mom. maybe he wanted to stay in a relationship long enough so he can live with his partner.
It's not like he lied to her and said he lived in his own house. The FML said she learned that he lives with his mom. Maybe she never asked. now that is all, I'm not arguing with you anymore.
Ipwnlosers, by your standards, "you must be new on fml, because your comments suck". Btw, I love your oxymoron here... Do you "pwn" yourself? Probably at night under the covers in bed, amirite?
lol ^
how can you guys argue that much over this site?
well crazyrunner was just minding her own bussiness, commenting what she felt right, when out of a sudden a wild ipwnlosers appeared. crazyrunner tried to defend herself against all of the bitch-based attacks brought on by ipwnlosers. after a few comments from both sides, other commenters where tired of these war, so they started to comment and tried to stop the war.
do you understand now how can they argue so much?
ipwnloser's why do you start stuff? pwning isn't about being a bitch.
I pwn losers- shut the fu*k up. if someone pisses you off then don't comment. and if she's new, how could she be arguing about a past fml, because she wouldn't have seen it. no one liked an assh*le, and if you have problems with people, don't take them out on random people. are you tht scared you have to insult people on the Internet because they can't do anything back?
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.