By anonymous - 27/01/2010 20:33 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend that the reason I don't want to stay overnight at his house is because I still occasionally wet the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 937
You deserved it 8 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iheartyoux96 0

its not OP's fault, some people really cant control it...


There are pills you can take for that. Ask your doctor. I was only on them for roughly 3 months and I never have accidents anymore - that was a year and a half ago.

People are confusing juvenile betwetting with adult bedwetting... 2 separate things. Isn't there some hormone which, if isn't produced, causes your brain to not be able to wake you up if you need the bathroom? OP, see your doctor, something might help :)

Dirtyfaces 0

sick sponge bob piss pants!!!!!!!!!!

kayla_nicole1695 0

yeah, i have the same problem, and i am 15. except i actually pee the bed 1-3 times per night, it really sucks to wake up 3 times in the middle of the night and have to change your clothes and sheets.

girl, that's not good:/ you're 15...please, go tothe doctor when I went for this problem, it helped so much with what he gave me. goodluck

I had this problem to, try using the bathroom every night before you go to bed, sorry for your inconvenience though

Could be a sign of a urinary track infection.

sharon_mic 2

Haha..dw i do tha ocassionally too.. like once in six months :$ only if i drink a lot of water and sleep in cold

chewbaca412 0

they have things like alarms online you can get that wake you up when you start to go while asleep. its basically training your brain to wake up. of course, the little metal sensor thing might be annoying to have in your pants, but if it helps... family member needed one of these cause he also had accidents into his tweens.

aww sweetie:/ I know the feeling. I'm so embarrased. my friend came over once an it happened to me..I blamed it on my dog. I neve knew it was so common though. you and everyone else on here who aren't being mean, have inspired me.

totally been there but it stops don't worry