By Anonymous - 09/06/2009 17:07 - United States

Today, I had a food allergy test done because of an ugly acne upswing, and after over a year of vegetarianism, I find out that I'm allergic to soy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 173
You deserved it 22 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People, seriously, shut the hell up on hating vegetarians. It's a personal choice, and if they're not pushing it on you, then you have no right to be pushing them to eat meat. There are entire countries with the majority of it's people being vegetarian. Do you hate on them? And I really doubt some of you are !00% carnivores. You can't survive on just meat, just so you know. There are other things you can eat besides soy products, and there are other alternatives. Also, you guys aren't being witty or funny with your comments saying, "Oh too bad, just go eat a steak and get over it." You're just sounding like an idiot.


first off, i became a vegetarian three years ago and have never felt better. i know other people eat meat, and i don't judge them for it, but i'd appreciate it if they'd at least admit why they're eating it. you're eating meat because you like it. and you want to keep eating it, so thus you put down people who don't. i wish people would take a closer look at the truly atrocious conditions the animals have to suffer through and glance at the overall environmental impact consuming meat has. but, lets face it, people are more apt to do what they enjoy and makes them feel good at the moment than truly look at what it means. if you choose to eat meat, that's your decision, but don't judge the vegetarians for trying to make a positive step in this world, even if you don't see eye to eye with us.

rustyrox 0

You can still be vegetarian without soy! :) Now you know, & now you'll be healthier and acne free!

I was reading other fml comments of proud liberals and she's also sexist I quote " all men are dogs"

Timismaster 0

lmfao #1 - to those who are stupid. So sorry.

Polionixon 2

alright guys lets try this on for size we all went school correct? Well in school we learn that we are Omnivores but nonono not just that we learned about the Predators and prey. and we my friends are TOP DOGS TOP predators. that's how are and that's how it's always going to be. Believe or not if we didn't eat animals or lets say a tiger for instance didn't eat his zebras and what not there would an over population of them? correct? This is why we are EVERYWHERE we do not have natural born predators. ITS THE CIRCLE OF LIFE GET OVER IT. I'm an animal lover to the fullest believe me, but even i understand this. WE bash you vegetarians because YOU ARE WRONG. That is all.

haha...that's what you get for being a vegetarian

ughh you know what sucks more than breaking out? being a vegetarian. fyourlife. and eat some yummy delicious meat. your life will be better after the first drop!

BACUS666 0

Good. Maybe you'll realize that vegetarianism is stupid, if society is that lucky. . .