By Anonymous - 09/06/2009 17:07 - United States

Today, I had a food allergy test done because of an ugly acne upswing, and after over a year of vegetarianism, I find out that I'm allergic to soy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 173
You deserved it 22 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People, seriously, shut the hell up on hating vegetarians. It's a personal choice, and if they're not pushing it on you, then you have no right to be pushing them to eat meat. There are entire countries with the majority of it's people being vegetarian. Do you hate on them? And I really doubt some of you are !00% carnivores. You can't survive on just meat, just so you know. There are other things you can eat besides soy products, and there are other alternatives. Also, you guys aren't being witty or funny with your comments saying, "Oh too bad, just go eat a steak and get over it." You're just sounding like an idiot.


#55, you're joking, right? You do realize that 80% of the world eats meat, right? Way to generalize a good 5 billion or so people. Moron.

jeri2011 0

Alright guys, I understand that everyone has their own opinions and beliefs and that's fine. You can talk about your beliefs all you want and try to get others to join with you. However, sitting here on Fmylife, bashing others beliefs, and aguing is not the way to go about it. Everyone's body is different. This means that tastes, food allergies, and tolerance for certain substances are different. I don't want to be mean, but please just GTFO it and move on with your lives. If you want to argue go on chatrooms and message boards, not Fmylife.

babybarb 0

That sucks, tofu is the best thing I've ever eaten.

That sucks SO MUCH! I'm veggy too, long term. If you care, you COULD go with the Quorn brand fake meat, which uses mushroom protein instead of soy, if you were vegan, rice milk, and eat beans etc. for more fake meat. Quorn is the most realistic fake meat, though. I'm sure there are more brands like it, but Quorn is in Stop and Shop, Shaws, and sometimes Pricerite at the least.

You should stick to semen for your protein needs. After all, at least it's 1) less gay (if you're a straight male) or 2) way friendlier (if you're a gay man or str8 woman).

How on earth can people say that you deserve this for being vegetarian? Because you want to spare the lives of tortured, defenseless animals, you don't deserve to be able to eat a replacement food without a horrible outbreak of acne?? BTW, I'm vegan, and I really don't eat that much soy anyway. Sucks that there's trace amounts of it in everything though.

There's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian! All you guys who said YDI because of that fail. Try to be more openminded.

BTW: many people who have soy allergies also struggle with dairy. Something to keep in mind

awillowcabin 0

That's terrible. Not sure if you just started eating soy or not (the way you stated it made it sound like the outbreak wasn't too long ago), but that really does suck, especially since soy hot dogs are the ******* best. :( But as others have said, there are alternatives!