By Anonymous - 19/09/2011 14:39 - United States

Today, I got kicked in the crotch. It popped my cherry. I lost my virginity to a shoe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 547
You deserved it 6 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments


someoneO_O 4

XD This made me LMFAO...i almost peed myself idk why it struck me as so funny.....fyl ..sounds painful...i was standing on a stool once and somehow it turned completely upside down as i was falling and i landed on the end of the leg....nothing, as far as i know, ..."popped"....maybe i was too young...painful as all hell though...

No big deal, really. Lots of girls get their hymens broken from all sorts of things - gymnastics is a pretty common one. Oh, and it doesn't mean you've lost your virginity.

blancheyy 0

You don't lose your virginity just cause your cherrys been popped hope you know that

This is great! Hey atleast you don't have a lame excuse for being a virgin!

And I suppose you're a 21 yr old who "just" looks like a 13-15 yr old.....yeah, that's what I thought. I could see you lying about your age if you were a 30-50 yr old woman, trying not to "look" like a pretentious.

You cam break your hymen horse back riding or doing gymnastics. I'd hardly call it "losing your virginity", that just seems melodramatic.

taurusxdee 10

You can't lose your virginity to an inanimate object. Virginity is purity, you lose it to a person. Yallz is stupid! Lol=]

16rrpass 0

What does popped my cherry mean?

It means a female's hymen is broken, usually through sexual intercourse but can be broken by being kicked, doing gymnastics or other similar activities, or even on a tampon.

Sorry I'm not trying to b*tch here but if your on this 18+ app shouldn't you know what that means?