By Ohfman117 - 11/08/2009 20:30 - United States

Today, I was sneaking over to my girlfriend's house. I sent her mother a text message thinking it was my girlfriend saying "There's a stalker coming in to make you his play mate ;]" Unfortunately when I got to her window I was greeted by her dad with a bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 954
You deserved it 71 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

evangldbrg 0

YDI for having your girlfriend's mom's number anyway...


who has their girlfriends mom's cell phone number??

ummm. lots of people do? And it could've been an easy mistake. ie; 'lauren' 'lauren's mom'

fili450r 0

i have my g/f mom's number..she is really cool actually. plus, we cld be looking at this wrong..maybe her mother took her cell...and he sent the text...i had an ex that during the week at night her parents would take her she wouldnt text me.....ha, her parents were complete donkeys ~.~

lots of people do!? Like whom? Even if I would somehow get the opportunity to get my GF's mom's number I wouldn't take it... @OP: I cannot stress how much you totally deserve this. I hope the dad whacked you with the bat a few times.

I have my drug dealer's mom's number. It's reeeeallly awkward.

blargity 0

#15 maybe he does, obviously?? or her mom had her phone and saw that text and i think people are overreacting about this because it was a mistake and that doesn't mean he deserves it at all but that was a clever way to create a metaphor

Sam1587 0

#15, I have a girl who ISN'T my girlfriend's mom's phone number.


Totally. I've been with my gf for 7 months and I don't have her moms cell number I my phone. Oh! And I moderated this one! That's never happened to me before!

I have both my girlfriend's parents' numbers, and her brother's, and his girlfriend's. Sometimes people need to contact each other. It doesn't mean I make a habit of calling them for a cosy chat.

ummmm, they might have it for emergency's ? like, some of my friends mums have my number in case they can't get hold of them etc etc

My boyfriend has my mum's mobile number. It's really not that uncommon. You'll realise this when you finally hold down a relationship for longer than 6 months.

Juggababy33 0

its not like a "hey can i get your number " thing, usually it's if she didn't have a cellphone or if there were emergencies. I have my boyfriend's moms' number but we don't speak the same lang. so i wouldn't call her lol But it's more common than you think..

LOL how cute, but maybe should have worded that a little better.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Maybe his girlfriend is a Twitard *shot* YDI and FYL OP.

Maybe you should pay more attention to who you're texting :S

Dmaster22 0

the smallest penis imaginable.

evangldbrg 0

YDI for having your girlfriend's mom's number anyway...

tay7 0

.. Since when do parents give their numbers out to their son or daughters ... boyfriend or girlfriend? haha thats weirdd you deserve it though.

It's to get on good terms with them, and well I know my gf parents from 4h and FFA meetings