I don't!

By Anonymous - 20/09/2023 22:00

Today, I'm being forced to keep an eye on my cousin, who is getting married in the morning. He’s tried to marry his fiancé before and chickened out at the altar. For some reason she forgave him and now the bride's mother has made it my job to watch him like a hawk until after the "I Do-s", or else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 755
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not blaming you for this, but personallu I can't help but feel like it's a dumb idea to think that marrying the guy who already tried to run off once.

I’m going to assume you’re just a cog in this batshit insane machine. That said, this basically amounts to forcing a guy to get married, and the list of reasons why this is an absolutely terrible idea could be told in a long list of stories.


I'm not blaming you for this, but personallu I can't help but feel like it's a dumb idea to think that marrying the guy who already tried to run off once.

I’m going to assume you’re just a cog in this batshit insane machine. That said, this basically amounts to forcing a guy to get married, and the list of reasons why this is an absolutely terrible idea could be told in a long list of stories.

I AGREE, YOUR LIFE SUCKS for you, YOU DESERVED IT for your cousin's fiancé

This doesn't sound like a marriage that's going to last long.

So what if he refuses to say "i do" ... do you all just stand there.... forever.....

That's an amazingly bad idea. If anything he should have every chance to run then if he stays then maybe just maybe they have a chance.