
By A.J. - 13/04/2019 08:00 - United States

Today, I had a dentist appointment in which a nurse numbed my mouth. After coming home, I took a nap in which I unknowing bit through my top lip. I physically can't speak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 875
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

Please tell me your name is Donald Trump.. I would love it if that twat couldn't physically speak


manb91uk 22

Please tell me your name is Donald Trump.. I would love it if that twat couldn't physically speak

Even if he couldn't speak, he could still Tweet.

manb91uk 22

Shhh... He's illiterate. He tweets with his mouth parts

After seeing your writing, a bit of silence from you would not be a bad thing.