By Unsatisfied - 16/12/2009 06:15 - Canada

Today, I found the only man who hates sex. He's my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 086
You deserved it 4 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate any sex that doesn't include toothpicks, aprecotts and at least 1 goat sacrifice

then you find him in bed with a guy an he says, "I said I hate it with girls!"


thats impossible im pretty sure its because he doesnt want to have it with you

khdude2000 0

Haha it would be the Brits who **** themselves

i think sex is important, obv. personality is more important... im sure he'll come round ;)

Maybe... just're a nymphomaniac!

Wow that's not possible... Unless his G@y

he doesn't hate sex. he just hates having sex with you.