By Unsatisfied - 16/12/2009 06:15 - Canada

Today, I found the only man who hates sex. He's my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 085
You deserved it 4 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate any sex that doesn't include toothpicks, aprecotts and at least 1 goat sacrifice

then you find him in bed with a guy an he says, "I said I hate it with girls!"


Is his name Cameron George.. Or know as "Seth" my ex was the same lol

Um no as a male I agree and more than likely she wants it 24/7 and complains all the time. Some men are busy and have priorities that are above sex. That sucks for you and if it's that much of a problem be with someone else. I personally care more about finishing college and keeping my job than frivolous sex.

He's not the only one. My boyfriend doesn't either -_-

Are you sure it's not you? Like no affence, maybe you're just not doing it for him.

aquaman95 7