By Sad_Happy_Gorl - 15/12/2018 23:00 - United States - University Center

Today, I found out my boyfriend has to picture someone else when we have sex. The most recent: my roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 441
You deserved it 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Didn’t you also say your boyfriend is only staying with you because you’re getting him a signed poster for xmas? I say run. Run fast, run hard

ohsnapword 21

Plot twist. The roommate is a 300lb hairy dude. Some people are into that sort of thing. Who am I to judge?


ohsnapword 21

Plot twist. The roommate is a 300lb hairy dude. Some people are into that sort of thing. Who am I to judge?

Didn’t you also say your boyfriend is only staying with you because you’re getting him a signed poster for xmas? I say run. Run fast, run hard

Leviathene 34

Same username. This is concerning.

There had to be signs before these incidents. He’s either using her or trying to get her to leave so he can be the victim. Manipulation at its finest in the dating world.

manb91uk 22

That's probably why he has his mental masturbation material... Honey, burn that ******* poster in front of him and send the prick packing. You deserve better.

Sometimes guys will think of other girls when having sex or masturbating. Doesn't mean that we don't love our partners or anything just a thing that happens from time to time....Maybe both of you could try new things to spice up the sex life (light bondage, dress up, stuff like that)

It's not okay to lust after someone else when you're in a relationship. You are supposed to focus on that person only. That is what everyone deserves.

The fact that this is downvoted is messed up... loyalty and loving your partner so much that you don't lust over other people--ever-- should be more understood and normal than it is. I feel like most people don't consider it "normal" to only want, love, and lust after one person. Which is sad.

Obviously, by the downlikes, the masses don’t understand this.. poor..

How did you find that out? He’s just got to learn to keep shit like that to himself!

Him doing that is not great. But him telling you that is ******* unacceptable.

Itsbeenalong 5

OP YDI how much are you going to put up with from this guy before you ditch him. I'm surprised he's still your current boyf after telling you he's only with you so he can get his Christmas present. On the other hand..... doesn't matter had sex!

Same guy that’s only staying with you because of the signed poster? GTFO of this relationship, girl! You deserve someone who will treat you way better than this asshole.

I’ve been with my husband for over 11 years and I’ve never once pictured someone else. You deserve better. Dump the jerk!

97mailo 17

First women ask for communication and honesty, and when they get it they get upset. Second men are program to just reproduce I’m sure every man out there has imagined someone else at one point or another. Finally, just because you imagine somebody else doesn’t mean your going to cheat, sometimes the experience is better if you fantasize about someone you know you will never have.

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14