By fail - 18/08/2013 04:41 - United States

Today, I found out yet another of my guy friends liked me. I posted that I just wanted a guy friend that had absolutely no romantic feelings for me. My crush volunteered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 876
You deserved it 67 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heartless to post that, those friend who have feelings for you can read it aswell. You got what you deserve.

No sympathy from me, OP. There was no reason for you to post that on Facebook, were you just trying to inflate your ego or something? Your poor friend doesn't need to see that. If you didn't want to date him, you could have just politely declined if he asked you out. You can't get mad that your crush publicly stated that he didn't fancy you, because that's exactly what you did to your friend.


Masonator28 9

Amber why would you post this on FML?!?! Personal!

While I personally think friendzones are blown out of proportion, blasting it on facebook is a douche move. It's totally your call not to pursue a relationship with someone, but don't turn around and further degrade their intentions.

ABByLeeVashe 17

Just because a guy/girl likes you doesn't mean that you have to date her or him. Think about it: your dating someone when you have NO FEELINGS for them. Is that any better? You don't "put" someone in the "Friend Zone" like an item, it just happens. Deal with it.

Are you for real? Should she have forced herself to have feelings for them or something?

That's not what she said. She publicly shamed them over social media, then her crush put her down. It's karma.

SamanthaNGoree 10

Sounds like a cry for attention to me.

VeylonaBloodsea 6

There are more people calling her names for having the audacity to not like those other guys back and some weird sense of karma than there are people pointing out how shitty posting that publicly was. ...gross. Friend zone is imaginary. You're not entitled to shit just because you like someone. They don't like you back? Get over it, move on. Either be a friend or leave them be. That's not what's wrong in this OP, it's the possibility that her status was completely public that is wrong.

YDI for 1. Not realizing just because he likes you doesn't mean you can't still be friends, you were fine before you knew and he liked you anyway. 2. For posting all your problems on Facebook.

Karma? She can't help who she likes. She has ZERO responsibility to date her guy friends just because they're there.