By fail - 18/08/2013 04:41 - United States

Today, I found out yet another of my guy friends liked me. I posted that I just wanted a guy friend that had absolutely no romantic feelings for me. My crush volunteered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 876
You deserved it 67 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heartless to post that, those friend who have feelings for you can read it aswell. You got what you deserve.

No sympathy from me, OP. There was no reason for you to post that on Facebook, were you just trying to inflate your ego or something? Your poor friend doesn't need to see that. If you didn't want to date him, you could have just politely declined if he asked you out. You can't get mad that your crush publicly stated that he didn't fancy you, because that's exactly what you did to your friend.


ILoveMyArm 15

@32 But, think of all the attention she will get from others and how cool she will look by claiming that so many of her guys friends have had feelings for her!

Just to throw this concept out there for everyone shaming her for making a public post; if it were on Facebook, you can make it a customised filter so the latest person to like her couldn't see it. Nowhere in this fml did it say that she made this post and tagged him in it or outed him for liking her. So, she may have been wise about this and prevented certain people from seeing it. Another thing to keep in mind is that she may not even be friends with the bloke on Facebook.

Word still travels, though. I can only speak for myself, but if my crush knew about my feelings, and then I later find out through someone else my feelings were enough reason for them vent frustration on Facebook, I'd feel pretty embarrassed. It's like pouring salt on a wound with an audience.

#84 I agree with you, no matter the filter someone else saw it or OP told someone. Either way it's not a good thing...

You're kind of a bitch, lol. Lower your damn standards and if your friends were actuallt your friends you wouldn't hang them out to dry on Facebook.

helpfulwhale 12

This (deservedly) brought her down a notch. YDI for posting something like that on the Internet. Now you know how those guys feel

Friendzone power activate! Karma can be a bitch.

crisanba 18

Oh poor thing. How hard to be so adored.

Jellobomb 5

It's fine that you don't have feelings back for your friend, everyone experiences that sometime. But going and putting it up on facebook? That's low