
By Angry Bookworm - 28/12/2022 09:00

Today, my biggest form of entertainment of the week was when I read a blunt, scathing, brutally honest review of an absolutely horrible book I read a few days ago. I need a life. And better books. And friends with better tastes in books. And a bonfire to toss this book into. FML
I agree, your life sucks 648
You deserved it 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Samson 1

“And a bonfire into which I can toss this book.” There, fixed it for you 😂🤣

Usually if I don’t like a book, I know it way before I finish it. If it’s bad enough I don’t finish it so I don’t waste time not enjoying it… Books, movies, videos are always a matter of personal taste. Yes, there are some genuinely bad ones and great ones out there. But in most cases, just because your friends or family like a book isn’t necessarily an indication of if you will like it… When I am picking out a book I read the cover to see if it seems interesting and then flip it open randomly to 2 or 3 places and read a paragraph to see if I like the author’s style. That seldom fails for me…


You couldn't tell us what book so we wouldn't waste our time? Thanks, Chief! I just listened to the unabridged audiobook of "Local Woman Missing." It was quite entertaining until it ended abruptly with too many loose ends and some really implausible bullshit.

Samson 1

“And a bonfire into which I can toss this book.” There, fixed it for you 😂🤣

Usually if I don’t like a book, I know it way before I finish it. If it’s bad enough I don’t finish it so I don’t waste time not enjoying it… Books, movies, videos are always a matter of personal taste. Yes, there are some genuinely bad ones and great ones out there. But in most cases, just because your friends or family like a book isn’t necessarily an indication of if you will like it… When I am picking out a book I read the cover to see if it seems interesting and then flip it open randomly to 2 or 3 places and read a paragraph to see if I like the author’s style. That seldom fails for me…