By Anonymous - 19/07/2015 18:02 - United States - Greensburg

Today, I had lunch with an old friend I've had a crush on for years. We're both single, so I figured it to be kind of like a date. Until he started talking about how he told his brother last night that we would never be a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 207
You deserved it 2 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

19990231 29

Sorry but lunch with a single friend does not equal a date. Just friends.

You sort of deserve it for expecting it to be a date sorry :/


At least... He not a serial killer? I have no idea how to fix this ???

That sucks OP! Maybe he'll change his mind if you keep going on these "not dates"

tantanpanda 26

If not a thing, at least a friends with benefits.

There is somebody out there for you, OP. The right person will come along.

XxGaLaXy_HiTzxX 14

You probably dodged a bullet OP. Hope you find someone.

How does just liking OP as a friend instantly make him a "bullet"? It sucks for OP but you can't force love/interest.

Maybe because OP won't be dating someone so emotionally tone-deaf.

Poster probably doesn't know what that expression means.

JohnTheDonJuan 11

Emotionally tone deaf? Just because someone is romantically interested in you, does not mean you have to indulge them. It's pretty likely the dude has picked up on her feelings and used that story to defuse the situation in a nice way.

MedChew 19

At least he doesn't keep you hanging with false hope

So, did you suggest friends with benefits?

19990231 29

Sorry but lunch with a single friend does not equal a date. Just friends.

Steffi3 40

That's what you get for assuming it's a date..

You sort of deserve it for expecting it to be a date sorry :/

Megatron_Griffin 25

Maybe he just wanted to make it clear how he felt right away so he didn't feel like he was leading you on. As shitty as it had to feel, I've been strung along before, and I would have rathered they were straight forward from the beginning rather than play with my emotions. Stay positive though OP, there is someone for you out there

Yeah he sounds like a good guy for being upfront. Maybe he can be an awesome wingman and introduce the OP to someone. That'd be cool.

That's a good point. Seems a bit clumsy, but I can see what you're saying, if he thought OP liked him but still wanted to be friends.

If there's been some miscommunication here then he could also be under the assumption that OP doesn't have feelings for him and that is why he said this. OP may have missed an opportunity.