By Not Gay - 09/06/2015 03:04 - United States - Williamston

Today, I found out the reason my crush has been talking so openly to me. Not because she likes me back, but because she thinks I'm gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 173
You deserved it 2 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing like a good friendship to start things off! I'd just politely correct her and then continue to be her friend and see where it goes.

Llama24 14

Just let her know your not gay, that's one step closer to starting a relationship.


Llama24 14

Just let her know your not gay, that's one step closer to starting a relationship.

I know from experience. It IS possible to get out of the friend zone.

immunetoinsanity 23

You should just be honest with her. If you hide the truth she will find out eventually, and probably not like you very much for lying

Why would OP purposely lie to her about being gay if he likes her? Did you even read the FML properly?

jaredofmo 22

I think they mean that now that OP knows that this girl thinks he's gay, it's as bad as lying if he just lets her continue thinking so.

HighasaCloud 46

#27- Maybe so, but the chance of OP letting HIS CRUSH continue to believe that she can't have him (if, that is, she wants him) due to his being gay is so absolutely zero percent that speculating the deceit is completely worthless and you are an imbecile for voluntarily wasting your time mentioning 'ifs' like there is any possibility in heaven or hell that these 'ifs' could be true. Nobody who reads your comment or #2's will gain anything of any value being that it is so painfully obvious to everyone who reads the FML that OP has corrected her about his sexual orientation.

LilyTdawg 7

Hey I'd take advantage of this situation if I were you! Become her friend first and see where things lead after that...

Yeah I'm sure she would want to date a guy who she thinks is gay

How exactly should he transition from being "gay" to her boyfriend? "jk, I'm really straight. Sooo, wanna go out?" Not only that but I would be pissed if someone lied to me to get closer to me; it just shows me that they lie to get what they want, which is not a good foundation for a relationship.

Nothing like a good friendship to start things off! I'd just politely correct her and then continue to be her friend and see where it goes.

You might want to tell her you aren't gay before she tries to "help you out" and set you up on a date...

Tell her you aren't. If she still talks to you, there may or may not be potential. If she stops talking to you, she isn't worth it.

Wow! Friend zoned by your own personality

leogachi 15

At first I didn't get what a person's sexuality had to do with their personality, and then I realized that sometimes your mannerisms can make you seem like you're gay even if you aren't.

Play along with it! Girls get naked in front of gay guys all the time.

#8 has been there done that. You must have a really loose character friend circle.

No I'm just not an arrogant ass homophobic. I have gay friends and growing up with them I know how things work. Sorry you're too high on your horse to take a joke.

pleasedie 22

Well.... That's a lose-lose situation