By fail - 18/08/2013 04:41 - United States

Today, I found out yet another of my guy friends liked me. I posted that I just wanted a guy friend that had absolutely no romantic feelings for me. My crush volunteered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 876
You deserved it 67 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heartless to post that, those friend who have feelings for you can read it aswell. You got what you deserve.

No sympathy from me, OP. There was no reason for you to post that on Facebook, were you just trying to inflate your ego or something? Your poor friend doesn't need to see that. If you didn't want to date him, you could have just politely declined if he asked you out. You can't get mad that your crush publicly stated that he didn't fancy you, because that's exactly what you did to your friend.


I don't really know what you were thinking to publicly complain about wishing for male friends that wouldn't like you romantically, even as a joke. You could have just called a friend to vent about it instead if it was bothering you so much. That's rather humiliating even if there was no names, and I'm sure your friends felt targeted (obviously) and hurt if they saw it. And probably angry, thinking that you are so full of yourself to post something like that after rejecting them. It does also make you sound like a diva - so as you can see, you're not getting a lot of sympathy... (so I hope this isn't why you posted this). But it sucks that your crush turned you down, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But if someone's not interested, they just aren't. You can't force these things - nobody is ever obliged to date another person. So I don't know why people are freaking out about this ''friendzoning'' bullshit - dating somebody isn't a reward for good behaviour...