By fail - 18/08/2013 04:41 - United States

Today, I found out yet another of my guy friends liked me. I posted that I just wanted a guy friend that had absolutely no romantic feelings for me. My crush volunteered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 876
You deserved it 67 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heartless to post that, those friend who have feelings for you can read it aswell. You got what you deserve.

No sympathy from me, OP. There was no reason for you to post that on Facebook, were you just trying to inflate your ego or something? Your poor friend doesn't need to see that. If you didn't want to date him, you could have just politely declined if he asked you out. You can't get mad that your crush publicly stated that he didn't fancy you, because that's exactly what you did to your friend.


honestly OP this boy probably likes you too and is lying to get close to you.

So apparently you should start a relationship off with lies? Not good advice when you tell OP that he is lying.....

Can we stop whining about how you think she's friend-zoning every good guy? If she doesn't have feelings for them, she doesn't have feelings for them. She doesn't owe them anything just because they were kind and friendly to her. Giving them a chance is just giving them hope that her feelings will change, and when they don't and she still has no romantic interest in them, the friendship is even more ****** that it was going to be had she just been honest and turned them down immediately. I tried to give someone a chance once, but he felt much more like a brother to me and I had feelings for someone else. I tried to gently break it off, and now he hates me for "leading him on" and "basically cheating" (keeping in mind that I did not cheat in anyway).

I've been in that place. I got friendzoned by my crush. And then recently found out about my guy friends liking me. OP if you end up being in a relationship with someone the guys will have to just be friends with you. But I understand if thats not something you want to do.

Aww I feel sorry for OP. If their head gets any bigger they will never find a hat that fits.

Hey OP, that sucks. I feel yah. Thing is, there's no such thing as "being friend zoned." This implies that the person either WAS in a previous place of being liked or that they, merely as reward for being a "nice guy" and waiting "all this time", DESERVE to be either liked or given a chance at a relationship. You don't get or a deserve a chance at a romantic relationship just for being "nice." These guys were never "friend zoned;" they were - to the OP - just friends. She never saw them as anything else. She was never attracted to them in a romantic way. She shouldn't "give one of them a chance" just because he willingly chose to be a "guy in waiting." She never liked these guys and they chose to pretend to merely be her friend - never revealing their feelings - in the likely hopes that one day she would either "give them a chance" or "see them for just how wonderful they really were!" Nope. Doesn't work like that. They weren't being true friends because they had ulterior motives. She's not bad for posting about it publicly either. I totally agree with a previous poster who said their awkward feelings shouldn't come before hers. They made her feel this way. She assumed they were something true that they were not. She's not wrong to publicly be bummed about what amounts to her wannabe suitors lying about their intentions to her for who knows how long. There are "ladies in waiting" too. Girls who play the friend role in the hopes that they get the guy someday. But either way, if someone doesn't see you that way, then you're SOL and should focus your attention and potential affection elsewhere. The sucky thing is that she liked someone too and obviously never spoke up. I would say "turnabout is fair play." Final notes: Don't play the part of a guy or gal "in waiting." If you like someone, tell them. Then you don't waste YOUR time and effort playing as a fake friend and you don't make THEM feel icky and/or awkward and most likely end up thinking less of you anyway. And don't be a "nice guy." Be yourself. Be a good person. Be decent and treat others of both sexes fairly and equally. Be honest. Don't get hung up on someone who isn't into you. And don't ever think that anyone should be giving you a chance because you think you followed some idiotic rules and therefore "deserve" it.

CeeCee_fml 16

Why the hell would you post something like that on Facebook? Vent in private, don't set out to publicly embarrass people because they happen to like you. That was the only reason I hit YDI.

This is the best example of karma ever.

Fist time I saw this I was thinking positively...but if he volunteers you might grow on him a bit over time so you do have a chance...if not you'll find someone...

Why would you post that on the internet? Attention seeking, much? Don't you have any respect for your friends feelings in that situation? Plus it really makes you look like a show off. YDI.