By fail - 18/08/2013 04:41 - United States

Today, I found out yet another of my guy friends liked me. I posted that I just wanted a guy friend that had absolutely no romantic feelings for me. My crush volunteered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 876
You deserved it 67 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heartless to post that, those friend who have feelings for you can read it aswell. You got what you deserve.

No sympathy from me, OP. There was no reason for you to post that on Facebook, were you just trying to inflate your ego or something? Your poor friend doesn't need to see that. If you didn't want to date him, you could have just politely declined if he asked you out. You can't get mad that your crush publicly stated that he didn't fancy you, because that's exactly what you did to your friend.


That is not an FML. That is just drama. I deal with worse than that on a daily basis at my school. Honestly, OP, life could be worse. Nobody could like you.

ILoveMyArm 15

Yes, I dislike when people complain about the mere fact that so many people like them. Oh, the struggle of being viewed as attainable by so many! How ever will you choose the right person?

Well, depending on the circumstances, it can be annoying. When I was getting divorced, I had 5 different men pursuing me. 1 had a girlfriend and 3 of them were married. Yes, only 1 out of the 5 was actually single. I'll admit that on the one hand, it was a bit flattering to be desired by so many, particularly when my heart had just been broken, but on the other hand I found it insulting that they thought I was of such poor character that I would entertain dating a married man, especially since I was divorcing my husband for having a girlfriend behind my back. Really, they're lucky I didn't know any of their wives or the one guy's girlfriend, because I would have snitched on them given the opportunity.

Although I'd like to add that this doesn't apply to OP. These men who admire her are her friends, and she should be considerate of their feelings, even if she doesn't reciprocate them.

Maybe next time you'll be a bit nicer and appreciate that people like you.

So, she deserves a load of YDI votes for being put into an awkward position by someone she just enjoyed the company of as a friend, because when she says that she wants a non-romance inclined friend (albeit poorly) over the internet, her crush comes along and volunteers to be what she's looking for? Hmmmm... So, she has a lot of guy friends and after a certain amount of time a fair amount of them claim to like her in that way, but as she doesn't have those feelings in return she's honest with them and says so. This usually leads to them not talking much any longer. So she in fact loses a friend (she may or may not value) each time one of them claims to like her. That sucks, I know because I've been there. So through many of yours logic, she deserves having her crush say that he wants to be her non romantic friend that she requested? All because she was a bit careless in posting this online and having a fair amount of friends fall for her? Yep, I disagree, but maybe that's because I don't take throwing someone in the friendzone lightly. But this entire rant post is all in theory so without her making a comment we can only speculate. I am not condoning her action in posting that online as a good decision. That was silly. Anyway, to OP, try to go on a date or something with the guys interested in you, maybe if you give them a chance to try to see them in a different light than just being friends you may ending liking them back! Good luck with your crush though, maybe if he does end up being your non-romantic friend he'll chance into being a friend that falls for you too!

She got what she asked for. End of story.

She's not getting YDI's for turning down a guy, she's getting them because of her total lack of respect for his feelings. Posting it on facebook was an incredibly disrespectful, petty and egotistical thing to do. There's no reason to post something like that on the internet for all her friends (including the guy she just turned down) to see. With so many people on here voicing their disappointment in her attitude and behaviour she might just learn from this experience. She's not being attacked so there's no need to go on the defensive.

I clicked YDI because her FML is basically her own actions coming back to her. She publicly stated she had no romantic feelings towards her friend and then complained when her crush did the same thing to her. In fact, the crush is nowhere near as disrespectful as she is because she KNEW her friend liked her, whereas her crush might not have known she liked him. She obviously knows making such things public is hurtful, but she only saw it as bad when it happened to her.

You don't take throwing someone in the friendzone lightly, eh? Well how about when OP did it? Blatantly. Over the Internet. Where everyone could see and someone people probably knew who she was talking about. Do you take that lightly? Because the rest of us don't, and that's why she deserves it.

jw90 18

Maybe instead of friend zoning all those guys maybe you should give one of them a chance. Chances are one of them is a decent guy who'll treat you right, but honestly I don't feel you deserve a decent guy.

She certainly didn't have to post about it online (I understand venting, but it was still a bit of a dick move), but in no way does she have any obligation to date a guy if she doesn't want to JUST because he likes her. God, I've gotten so sick of this stupid "friendzone"crap. It's right up there with "nice guy syndrome." It's your fault, Friends. I love you, but you popularized such a godawful term!

Why not just gracefully decline their offers? But no, you insist on publicly shaming them.

I can understand the OP. It's annoying as **** to be surrounded by friends who you only consider as friends constantly coming at you to ask for a possible relationship; it's tiring, frustrating and heartbreaking to say "no" to someone you care, and, depending on how recurrent is this, it makes anyone feel like lashing out. Should she have posted it on Facebook? Probably not, but I don't feel like she's a bitch for venting.

She isn't a bitch for venting, she is a bitch for doing it publicly....

So what do you bring to the friendship table, 33? I've had several wonderful women friends who were genuinely concerned about my welfare, introduced me to their friends, brought food over when I was sick - you know all the caring things that friends do. I've also known women who needed attention from men but didn't want to recipricate and enjoyed the feeling of power they held over a man who really liked them.

How will that improve your situation with your crush? It will only make him think that you don't feel anything for him. YDI for making a status - you don't want to date someone, so what? No need for a status like that.

That's sort of a bitchy way of dealing with it, instead of public ally embarrassing the poor guy just explain that's not how you feel But yeah I agree with the rest of the commenters Karma

Don't friend zone! Just take what you've got!

Take "what you got"? What the heck kinda of shoddy advice is this? Settle for someone you don't like? Why? Cuz he's already there and faked being her friend in the hopes that someday she'd "finally see just how great and NICE" he is? Lol!!! Let me guess. You're a guy who is currently faking being a true friend to several girls who you think should (and secretly hope that they actually do) give you a "chance." How about this: To OP. Go for what you want! To 40. Stop faking being a "nice guy." Stop faking being a friend. Be yourself, be decent to others and if you dig someone tell them. If they don't dig you back, that's their prerogative. Move on!

40 - Taking "what you've got" is only going to end up badly

Well, you could've went without the public display since I assume this friend is probably a friend/follower wherever you posted, and all the other male friends that you turned down. So, they'd probably feel some sort of way about that post. However, as for the crush, you gotta start somewhere. Who knows, maybe the friendship could possibly grow to more.