By Felix - 05/12/2018 14:30 - Ireland

Today, my 1 month old kitten peed all over my kitchen floor. I wanted to get some water out of one of drawers and slipped on the piss. My phone shattered and i dislocated my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 661
You deserved it 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zekfen 17

Normally they don’t start trying to kill you until 4 months old. This one is advanced for its age!


middlenamefrank2 4

Well, at least you didn't dislocate your phone and shatter your arm.

Zekfen 17

Normally they don’t start trying to kill you until 4 months old. This one is advanced for its age!

are you sure it wasn’t the water leaking out of the drawer? i feel like there’s an easier way to keep water... maybe a cup??

Is this some kind of trend I'm missing out on? My cat's puked in the kitchen, and brought in dead birds/mice/rats, but she's never pissed in the house. Yet every tenth post or so on here seems to be about someone slipping in their cat's piss. Is it invisible? Are other cat owners just oblivious to its appearance, or smell? Maybe everyone slips in the piss because their cats manage to find that one place between the mop bucket, and the owner, and decide to be mischievous. Or perhaps my cat doesn't love me enough to piss in my house.

Well I sure hope you have a good enough reason to own a kitten this young (fostering the mother eg). Otherwise its an insta YDI.

maroongrad 13

A one-month-old kitten is three to four weeks too young to be separated from the mother and isn't going to know how to use a litter box correctly and consistently. At this age, the mom is still "cleaning up" after them to start with! I don't know how it is there, but in the US several states have had to enact laws to stop people from separating kittens from moms until 6, 7, or 8 weeks (depending on the state). If you meant you had the kitten for a month that's a total FML. If you have a kitten that's just 4 or 5 weeks old, YDI and this is predictable.

What neanderthal stores their water in a drawer? No sink? No fridge? Then why the **** do you have a cat?