By abbiexo97 - 09/05/2019 14:00

Today, I had a dream that I had to abandon my shopping at the checkout due to lack of funds. Even in my dreams I don’t have any money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 789
You deserved it 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kristoffer 35

Your dreams are often a reflection of your waking concerns.

childlessmother 16

Try it in real life with a crying hungry toddler in tow and then tell me of your fml


Kristoffer 35

Your dreams are often a reflection of your waking concerns.

childlessmother 16

Try it in real life with a crying hungry toddler in tow and then tell me of your fml

Become a sugar baby. Maybe some high-school teacher will shower you with cash and historical “fun facts.”

Sonotsuave 35

I’m sorry this made me laugh aloud because it’s relatable. I used my card today unsure of how much I actually had in my account.