By Noname - 17/03/2009 20:35 - United States

Today, I had a gymnastics meet. I thought I was done with my period, but when I was up on the beam warming up my routine, one of my coaches called me down and told me that I apparently wasn't. My coach goes around asking my teammates moms if they had any pads. My dad caught this all on tape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 891
You deserved it 7 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and #4, shut up you dont have a right to call any of it gross until you actually have to experience it. which you wont considering you're a guy, an arrogant and ignorant one.

agh! feel so bad for you. my periods pretty crazy too. i remember about 2 years ago i thought mine had ended too, and i got up from my seat in class and when i was about to sit back down i noticed the people around me staring at me. i looked down and my seat was all red and smudged with blood. yikess.. but then again, at least it wasnt caught on tape.....


that sucks ballz. i remember back when i first got my period, i was wearing a white skirt and when i gave up to give my presentation the entire class let me know. at least it wasn't on tape. your dad is going to let this one go for a while..

so visit YouTube then watch your embarassment ok lol ko fyl

youre stupid. -.- we cant help it. they are often unexpected! Guys have no idea >.>

its something natural... nothing wrong with it. anyways by u saying it wont happen again after u get pregnant, do u mean that pregnancy, u wont have ur period ever again? cuz if u r, then i think u need some classes on sex ed

zac12345 0

wow. you should be ashamed of your self. go die in a hole, I hope you never procreate or even have sex for that matter.

How is it gross? Your a guy you don't see it it's natural stfu

buttercupp2137 0

omg. I can't believe how much an idiot you are. you should be ashamed you were even born. fyl.

gothhottie 5

Stfu ur such a dumb asss its not like can control it

agh! feel so bad for you. my periods pretty crazy too. i remember about 2 years ago i thought mine had ended too, and i got up from my seat in class and when i was about to sit back down i noticed the people around me staring at me. i looked down and my seat was all red and smudged with blood. yikess.. but then again, at least it wasnt caught on tape.....

either that or take precautions. it happens every month. grow up and take care of your shit.

and #4, shut up you dont have a right to call any of it gross until you actually have to experience it. which you wont considering you're a guy, an arrogant and ignorant one.

And thus a lesson was learned: always carry pads/tampons for a couple of exra days, even after you think your period's finished. ...Or go on the pill. The pill's great! Oh, and #4. You make me feel stabbity.

I agree completely. You can't understand it until you have one. People like you are clueless morons that live with their mothers, #4.

StupidDancer 0

I agree with number 7. Number 4 your a prick stfu. :)

foryoublue94 0

#4 wtf? O.o That's absolutley not frogger XD